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It was an unusually cold day for the beginning of autumn. As Katherine drove in her corvette, she instantly regretted her choice of clothing. She was wearing a tight, short-sleeved black shirt paired with a denim skirt. Definitely not the warmest attire.

Katherine was driving to see some new movie that had just came out, she didn't even know what it was about. But, she was bored and needed to pass some time. Plus, her parents were getting on her nerves.

As she approached the drive-in, she saw a dreaded sight. Greasers. 'Oh great.' She thought to herself as she parked her car. As she exited her vehicle, she saw a few guys eyeing her. These ones weren't greasers, but she stilled hated feeling that objectified. 'Maybe it's my fault...' she pondered. 'I am wearing rather revealing clothes.'

Katherine walked into the drive-in to meet her friend Cherry Valance. Cherry was a sweet, educated girl. Katherine loved hanging out with her. As they sat down in their seats, some other people sat behind them. "Oh great, these guys look scary." Cherry leaned over and whispered. Katherine nodded as she held her breathe. She was rather tough, but men just scared the shit out of her.

One of the guys leaned over and began to talk to Cherry. He looked like a real intimidating guy. Tall, messy black hair, and clothes that just made him look frightening. What made Katherine even more nervous was the fact that him and his little friends were greasers. Katherine didn't hate greasers. She wouldn't go out of her way to be rude or jump them like some of her soc friends did, but they scared her shitless. They had a track record for being rather aggressive.

Cherry got more and more agitated at the guy harassing her, but Katherine tried to ignore it as much as she could. 'Keep your eyes on the movie' she thought. 'Just keep your eyes on the movie.' Luckily, the guy finally left to get some concessions. Cherry let out a sigh relief. "Oh thank god.." She muttered. "Hopefully he doesn't come back." Katherine hoped. Cherry nodded and they continued watching the movie. Katherine glanced at the two other greaser boys sitting behind them. Cherry looked at one of the boys. "Are you gonna cause some trouble too?" The kid shook his head. "Good. You don't seem like the type to that anyways. What's your name?"

As the two spoke, Katherine looked at the other greaser. He was wearing jeans, a black shirt, and a denim jacket. He had big, brown eyes and long, greasy black hair. "Hey." She said softly. "Hi." He spoke back. He looked and sounded extremely anxious. Cherry and the one greaser got up to go grab some popcorn, leaving just katherine and the mysterious boy.

"What's your name?" Katherine reluctantly said. She wasn't quite sure why she wanted to keep speaking to him. She could've just turned around and continued watching the movie, but something made her want to know more. "Johnny." He said, still looking rather uneasy. "You?" he added. Katherine smiled. "My name is Katherine." He nodded and looked back at the movie. "Who's your friend?" She questioned. She felt like a dumbass. He obviously didn't wanna speak to her anymore, but she kept pushing anyways. "The one that left with your friend is my pal Ponyboy. The one bothering your friend was Dally." Johnny was more engaged in the conversation now. "Hey i'm sorry about Dally. He has a hard time taking no for an answer.." Katherine leaned forward as she was turned around in her chair. "Oh it's fine, Cherry can fend for herself."

Cherry and ponyboy came back with the popcorn. Just as they came back, so did Dally. Dally sat right next to Cherry and began harassing her again. He said some pretty unrepeatable stuff, then handed Cherry a drink. "Maybe this'll cool you off." Cherry had an irritated look, then preceded to dump the drink on Dally. "Maybe this will cool YOU off!" Dally was fuming. As Johnny said, he doesn't like being told no. "Cut it out man." Johnny piped up. "What'd you say ya lil shit?" Johnny's voice got more firm. "I said cut it out." Dally glared at Johnny. "Whatever." He walked off, still shaking the liquid off of him.

"Thank you, he had me real shook up." Cherry looked at Johnny and smiled. "Well ya sure didn't show it, nobody's talks to Dallas Winston that way." "Apparently they do, cause you did." Cherry and Ponyboy started chatting. Katherine continued to somewhat inspect Johnny. She was surprised by his sudden burst of confidence that pushed him to stand up to Dallas. She greatly appreciated it. "That was real brave, Johnny." Katherine grinned. "Ya, ya. it's no big deal." Johnny looked at the ground and sipped on his drink.


They continued talking throughout the movie. Once it was over the four of them began walking home. "It's real cold out.." Katherine muttered. Johnny immediately took off his coat and draped it over Katherine's shoulders. She smiled at Johnny and he smiled back.

Cherry's eyes widened. "Uh oh. Katherine.." Katherine quickly turned around and was met with a terrible sight. "Who are those guys?" Ponyboy questioned. "Our boyfriends." Cherry said, alarmed.
The mustang pulled up and two socs got out of the car. Both were tall, skinny and blonde. If you were to imagine a soc, they would be exactly what you'd think of. They were the most stereotypical rich guys.

"What were you thinking?" One of them yelled at Cherry. "Running off like that, and with these dangerous hoodlums too!" The soc glared at ponyboy. "I told you Bob." Cherry said. "I'm not hanging with you while you're drinking." "Baby.." He cooed. "We weren't even that drunk." "You call passing out on the street 'not even that drunk'?" Cherry and Bob continued arguing as the other soc walked up to Katherine. "Katherine Greenwood." He said angrily. "Who's this little runt that you ran off with?" He ripped the jacket off of Katherine's shoulders and threw it at Johnny. "Brandon.." She said calmly. She wasn't at all in the mood for an argument. "He was just walking me home, that's all." Katherine gave him a kiss on the cheek and looked at Johnny solemnly. "Please.. just go to the car. I'll be there in a second." Brandon walked to the car, still eyeing Johnny with a disgusted look. "Dirty greaser." He mumbled.

Katherine walked back over to Johnny. "I'm sorry." She said softly. "He's probably still a little tipsy and aggressive." "It's no big deal." Johnny assured. "I'm used to the socs giving me dirty looks like that." Katherine smiled. As she was about to walk to the car, she turned around. "Johnny?" She spoke. "Yea?"
"I'll be around, okay?" Katherine looked him straight in his big brown eyes. "Okay." Johnny smiled. Katherine then turned around and walked over to the car. She hesitantly opened the car door and began to get in, but not before looking at Johnny one last time.

As the car drove away, Ponyboy and Johnny began walking to the vacant lot. "Good looking gals." Ponyboy said as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket. "Yup." Johnny said. He looked at his feet and sighed.

"Shame we'll never be able to get one of them."

A/N; thank you so much for reading. I know the outsiders might be kinda dead (The book and movie are pretty old) BUT i got the inspiration to do this and i thought "why the hell not?" Sorry for any typos that might be present. I'll try to update this as much as i can! <3

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