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Johnny was sitting in the vacant lot having a smoke. He had been waiting there for Ponyboy. He was supposed to have showed up around 30 minutes ago, but Johnny didn't really care if he was late. He figure that Ponyboy was probably getting nagged at by Darry or got distracted with Sodapop. Either way, he was hoping Ponyboy would hurry it up a bit. He was getting awfully bored and lonely. Then, he saw someone walking past. "Katherine?" He said, flicking his cigarette to the ground. The girl he called to turned her head, revealing the confused look on her face. That confused face quickly turned to a big smile. "Johnny!" She gleamed. It was Katherine. Johnny found himself smiling at the sight of her. All his hoping paid off.

"What are ya doing here?" Johnny questioned as he stepped towards her, his hands shoved in his pockets. He looked Katherine up and down. Her hair was up in a ponytail today, and she was wearing a short, flowy black dress. Meanwhile, Johnny wore what he always wore. The same extremely beat up clothes. He felt so underdressed compared to her. "I wanted some fresh air and i decided to take a walk on this side of town." she smiled nervously. "I was actually walking around hoping i'd see you.." Johnny blushed at her words. "Really?" He said with surprise. "Well yeah. I like talking to you." Katherine shrugged. Johnny still stood there, flustered. "Well i was just sittin here waitin for ponyboy, if you'd like to join me." He said nervously. "Sure." Katherine smiled as she sat down next to him.

"Who all is in your gang?" Katherine questioned, breaking the awkward silence between them. "You've met all but one of em. There's Ponyboy, Sodapop, Dally, Two-bit, Steve and Darry. You haven't met Darry yet, he's Soda and Pony's older brother." Katherine nodded, processing the information. "How old are you guys?" Johnny thought for a moment. "Well, Ponyboy's 14, Two-bit's 17?" He said in a doubtful tone. "Dally's 17 also and so are Sodapop and Steve. Darry's in his twenties or somethin.." He felt a little bad for not knowing their ages exactly. It was silly, but he's known these guys forever. He should know their exact age. "How old are you?" Katherine raised an eyebrow, eagerly waiting for an answer. "16.." He muttered. "Same as you." Katherine gave Johnny a surprised look. "How do you know that?" "I remember ya telling Dally." Johnny looked and his torn up shoes, flustered. He didn't want Katherine to be weirded out by his remembrance. He didn't know why in the world she would be weirded out, but he still feared. "Good memory." She scoffed and fixed her skirt a bit.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Johnny looked into her wide teal eyes. He gave her a confused look. "No.." Katherine smiled. "I've never had one." Johnny tossed his head in a way that would make his bangs fall down into his face. 'Dumbass' he scolded in his head. 'why would you tell her that you've never been with anybody before?' Katherine gave him a surprised look. "Really? I thought a cute boy like you would've had a few girls waiting in line for him." Johnny blushed profusely. "Yeah...no." Katherine giggled. "There was this one gal, Sylvia. She was really Dally's though, and was only sweet talkin me cause he was in a reform school. We never really dated." Johnny blushed harder, but more from embarrassment. He didn't know why he rambled on like that. "I know you've got a boyfriend." He added. "Yeah. He's nothing special." She tucked some of her loose hairs behind her ear. "Handsome guy, not much of a brain." Johnny snickered a bit. "Average soc.." he muttered. "Excuse you? I have plenty of brain." Katherine teased, but for a second a jolt of panic went through Johnny. He finally chuckled along a bit after he realized. "I can tell." He said softly. "I don' got much of one, grades in school are pretty bad." Johnny was embarrassed, he immediately regretted saying that. Why would he tell a soc girl that he was honestly trying to impress that he was as dumb as a cigarette?

"Oh cmon. Performing bad in school doesn't mean you're brainless. Being street smart requires just as much brain as being school smart does." Johnny gave her a slight, grateful smile. "I think i might leave him." Katherine said suddenly. Her eyes widened for a second, fully realizing what she had said. But, she cooled and continued on. "He's just not the guy for me, he never really once. I really only got with him cause my friend was pressuring me to." She shook her head as Johnny nodded along. "Seems like the smart thing to do." "Told you i had a brain." Katherine laughed, Johnny couldn't help but smile too.

"Is that damn Ponyboy ever gonna show up?" Johnny said, annoyed. Johnny never really got visibly or verbally aggravated. In general, he didn't really get anything at all. He was mostly real quiet, no comments on anything. He mostly just listened to everyone's problems and beefs rather than talking about his own. He had no problem with it being that way. But lately he'd been more talkative than usual, and he wasn't sure why.

"Johnny!" Ponyboy shouted, starling Johnny as he wandered through his mind. "Finally." he joked. Johnny stood up as Ponyboy gave him a playful punch to the arm. Ponyboy quickly directed his gaze towards Katherine, who was still awkwardly sitting down. "Katherine?" Ponyboy said, confused. "What are you doin here?" He walked past Johnny and stood over Katherine. Katherine then stood up and looked at Ponyboy. Her heels were particularly high, making her the same height as him. "Hey Ponyboy." she said coolly. "I was walking by and i ran into Johnny, that's all." She gave him a smirk and began to walk away. "I think i'm gonna get going." Johnny looked at Ponyboy with a 'really ponyboy?' look and stepped towards Katherine as she turned to leave.

"Are you sure ya don't wanna stay and hang with me and Pony?" He suggested. Ponyboy rolled his eyes at Johnny's attempt to keep her there longer. Katherine's eyes darted between Johnny and Ponyboy as she thought for a moment. "Uh.." she stuttered. "I guess i can. I gotta be home by sunset though, and grab my car afterwards." Johnny smiled a wide, genuine smile. His eyes glimmered with excitement. "Okay. Sounds good." He voice sounded cool and casual, but Ponyboy could see right through him. "Johnny.." he interrupted. "I thought we were gonna head to my house?" Ponyboy lifted an eyebrow. Johnny sighed, but then had a look of realization. "Can't Katherine just come with us?" Johnny turned to look at Katherine, who was standing there patiently. "If Dally's gonna be there, i'd rather not." she frowned. Johnny eagerly eyed Ponyboy. "I don't think he will be." he huffed. Ponyboy accepted it, he was losing his buddy to this shiny new girl. "I guess i'll come." Katherine shrugged a bit, and Johnny had that smile and look in his eyes again.

Katherine, Ponyboy, and Johnny began the mid-length walk to Ponyboy's house. It was mostly silence at the beginning of the walk, all three of them just listening to the clack of Katherine's shoes against the sidewalk. "Who all is gonna be there?" Johnny said, breaking the silence. He felt restless, he needed to get a conversation going. He used to be able to handle silence just fine, if anything it calmed him. Why was it bothering him so much now? Ponyboy stayed silent for a moment, trying to recall what Soda had told him. "Pretty much the entire gang besides Dally. Soda said he's helping Tim out with somethin, but who knows.."

"Oh it'll be fun to see Two-bit again," Katherine said happily. "He was a joyful dude, could easily brighten anyone's mood." "That's two-bit for ya." Ponyboy chuckled. Johnny slumped and shoved his hands into his jacket pockets. He had a feeling shoot through him, but he had issues figuring out what it was. But, the realization hit him like a tuff mustang. Jealousy. Johnny shook the feeling off, remembering what really mattered. His gang. Who cared if Katherine had some thing for Two-bit? Not Johnny. Johnny didn't care about anything. Not his life, not the abuse he went through, and definitely not some pretty, smart, nice, funny soc girl.

pretty, smart, nice, funny soc girl...

"We're here." Ponyboy said. Johnny immediately straightened up as Ponyboy unlatched the fence to his porch. The three of them walked up on the porch, and Ponyboy wrapped his fingers around the door handle. He paused. "Katherine." He said firmly. "I need you to fully prepare yourself for what you're gonna witness inside. Her eyes widened. A fearful expression raced across her face. "Aw cut it out, Pony." Johnny said with a sassy tone. "Nothin extreme is gonna happen." Ponyboy laughed and added, "Yup, just the usual chaos." Katherine's face softened as she calmed down. "Okay.." she said relieved. Then, ponyboy finally opened the door.

They opened the door to find Darry on his chair with the paper, Two-bit in a headlock, Steve being the one who had him in the headlock, and Sodapop shoving his dinner into his mouth.

"Chaotic is an understatement."

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