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Johnny was sitting on a park bench, watching little kids playing tag as he had a weed. He had pretty much spent his entire morning just wandering around the neighborhood. He would wander anywhere if it meant being away from his parents. He had been sitting at the bench for around 30 minutes, feeling the autumn breeze blow through his hair. He got up and started walking around the park, his legs needed to get some movement. As he was walking around the park, he saw a familiar face.

It was Katherine. The soc girl from the drive-in a couple days ago. It would've been impossible not to recognize her. Her face was a face that was unforgettable. Her looks in general were unforgettable. She had long, curly blonde hair, big teal eyes, and a nice body. Today, she was wearing a mid length black skirt with a long sleeved, white blouse. Johnny looked at her, wide eyed. He thought he'd never see her again. Although he was somewhat happy to have gotten another look at her, he kept walking, avoiding her. But, she spotted him.

"Johnny!" She shouted as she walked over to him in her black heels. Johnny gulped and began walking in her direction. "How are you?" She asked as she caught up to him. "I'm fine." He replied, lighting another cigarette. "You?" Katherine looked at the ground. "Oh i'm alright." Johnny sensed the lying through her tone of voice, but he didn't wanna push her to tell him anything personal. "What brings you to the park?" Katherine smiled. "Just had to get away from my folks. They been fighting a lot lately. Nothing i ain't used to, though." Johnny blew the smoke out of his mouth.

"What brings you here?" Johnny asked as he sat down on the same bench he had been sitting on just moments before. Katherine joined him as she spoke. "Also had to get away from my parents." She sat down with a huff. "Man my feet are killing me." Johnny chuckled. "Maybe it's those damn heels." Katherine gave him a glare. "Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes. "Do the greaser girls wear heels?" "Nah, not really. They mostly wear the same things i wear. Jeans, dirty jackets and beat up shirts." Katherine nodded along. "What do those soc guy wear?" "Mostly clean jeans and expensive jackets. Pretty much any expensive brand you could think of. Cherry's boyfriend wears alotta expensive rings."

Johnny tensed up. He stroked the scar on the side of his cheek. "Rings, huh.." Katherine noticed that same anxious look on his face like he had at the drive-in. "You doing okay, Johnny?" She asked, concerned. "Yeah." He said softly. "Just remembered something." Johnny shoved his hands in his jacket pockets and looked at his feet. 'Don't think about it..' he thought. "Are you sure? You look real worried." Katherine turned and looked directly in his eyes. The eye contact made Johnny blush a bit. Her teal eyes were beautiful. "Johnny? Johnny..?" "Sorry..i zoned out. what were you saying?" Katherine giggled a bit. "I was asking if you were okay." Johnny smiled. "Yeah. I am."

They sat there in silence for a little while. Just enjoying the breeze and the sky, which was slowly turning orange as the sunset set in. Johnny liked the feeling of company, even if there was no talking. Johnny wasn't sure why he was reluctant to see her at first. He thought as they sat there. There was something about Katherine. She wasn't at all bad, her company was very enjoyable. Maybe he just didn't want to see her because he didn't like the reminder. The reminder of the divide between them. The little greaser boy and the beautiful soc girl.

Johnny was deep in thought until he was interrupted. "Johnny?" Katherine said. "Hm?" He mumbled, still a little distracted. "Johnny, you need to go." Katherine said firmly. "Why?" Johnny said with a weary look in his eyes. "My friends, they're right there." Katherine stood up quickly. "If they see me with you.." "I know" Johnny said softly. "I know." Johnny continued to sit there, slumped over. "No.." Katherine mumbled. "What?" Katherine stood there, looking straight ahead. "They already saw me, they're coming over."

Johnny looked up. This wouldn't be good. These soc girls were gonna eat him alive, and he knew it. He felt especially bad for Katherine, though. She would be shamed for hanging with a greaser boy. "Don't say anything Johnny." Katherine said softly. "Let me do all the talking." Johnny nodded. A jolt of panic went through him as the girls slowly got closer and closer. They weren't gonna jump him, but their words could still hurt as much as a punch to the face.

It was two girls. They were pretty stereotypical soc girls. One wearing a light blue and white checkered dress, the other wearing a ski jacket and a skirt. The checkered dress girl had long, straight brown hair while the ski jacket girl had mid length red hair that was tied up into a high ponytail. Both were conventionally attractive, but nothing special. 'they probably have football jock boyfriends' Johnny thought to himself. The girls finally made it close enough for Johnny and Katherine to hear them.

"Hello katherine." The ski jacket girl said. "Hey Lisa" Katherine replied. "What are you doing here?" The checkered dress girl questioned while giving Katherine a suspicious look. "especially with him.." she whispered as she directed her eyes at Johnny. Johnny looked at his feet. 'here come the words..' Katherine smiled an embarrassed smile. "He's a guy i met at the drive-in the other day. he's the one who helped drive out that guy that Cherry was talking about, remember?" Lisa nodded slowly as her other friend chimed in. "Oh Katherine.." she said. "Don't you know how bad this could be for your image if people found out you were hanging with a greaser?" "Oh shut your trap Kim.." Katherine snapped as Kim gave her an offended look. "I ran into him at the park and it'd be rude not to say hi." Katherine gave Johnny an apologetic look that he unfortunately did not notice. He just kept his head hung low, avoiding eye contact with the girls.

"Still." Lisa said. "She's right. Oh god imagine how mad Brandon would be!" She shook her head and Kim did the same. "what are you gonna do, tell him?" Katherine asked. "well of course not!" Kim said. "but if he ever did find out, you'd be dead. Hell, he'd probably slap you straight across the face!" Johnny shuddered. Katherine didn't deserve that. He knew what it felt like to be hit like that. He hated the thought that he could be the reason that happened to Katherine. Lisa leaned closer to Katherine to avoid Johnny hearing what she would say next. "Katherine.." she whispered. "I think it's just best if you stop hanging with this boy...okay?" Katherine nodded as she rolled her eyes. "yeah, whatever."

"well." Kim announced. "We best be on our way now." Lisa agreed. "It was nice to see you and your little friend." "Johnny." Katherine said. "Huh?" "His name is Johnny." Katherine plopped back down on the bench and stared up at the two girls. "And yeah, you best be on your way. bye." Kim scoffed and her and Lisa turned away to walk back to their cars. Katherine glared at them with a look of hatred the entire time. She sighed. "I'm sorry Johnny." She said, looking at him with apologetic eyes. "You didn't deserve to hear them talking about you like that." Johnny flicked his cigarette on the ground. "Nothing i ain't used to." He replied, trying to act all nonchalant. In reality, was had been tensed up that entire time. Any soc scared him real bad, even those 'harmless' girls. And even though he accepted the fact that he was a greaser, it still stung to be talked about like that. Referred to as some forbidden creature. "Really.." He spoke. "It's nothing."

"I know you're lying." Katherine looked at Johnny with a frown. "I don't know you that well, but i can tell that you're lying." she hung her head low. "You can be a little vulnerable. You don't have to act like it didn't bother you. It'd bother me." She looked at Johnny and he just stared back at her, not saying a word. "It's nothing." He repeated. Katherine shook her head and sighed. "Sure.." She said, still not fully convinced. She then glanced at her watch.

"Oh shit." She muttered. "Johnny, i'm sorry. I have to get going." She stood up and turned to face him. "It was nice talking to you again." She smiled and he smiled back. "Next i see you i'll have to get to know more about you." She giggled and continued on. "Like your age, last name, you know.." She stared at the sunset. "Goodbye Johnny." Katherine said. "Goodbye Katherine." Johnny said. And just like that she hurried off.

Johnny watched her as she left. Heels clacking on the ground, hair and skirt flowing in the wind. Johnny smiled at the thought of 'next time i see you...' After her silhouette disappeared into the horizon of the park, Johnny got up off the bench and began his short walk home. A walk where he was not looking forward to arriving at his destination. He just imagined the screaming and the fighting and the possible hitting. He clenched his jaw anxiously. Johnny had been a real nervous reck lately, for a lot of reasons. He reached into his pocket for another cigarette to settle his nerves. "shit.." he mumbled. He had none left.

Johnny made it to his house and walked up onto the porch. He already heard yelling coming from inside. He sighed and put his hand on the door handle.

Johnny was not looking forward to what would happen next.

A/N: thank you sosososo much for reading!! if you enjoyed the chapter, please be sure to upvote it or leave a comment 🙏 sorry for any typos there may be

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