Epilepsy and Fan Meetings - Felix

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WARNING: Seizures + Epilepsy + small argument
i'm so sorry i haven't posted in a while, life has gotten busy :)

The boys were surprised, JYP must have been feeling generous because out of nowhere, he had decided to let the boys have last night off schedule, the company had acknowledged their hard work over the past few months and had rewarded them the evening off. Of course, it wasn't much but the boys would accept anything at this point. They were exhausted and they were not sure when the next opportunity for a break would be.

It was a nice evening, they had put a movie on the TV while eating snacks and drinking alcoholic beverages. It felt normal, like a breath of fresh air. The boys were able to put their idol lives behind them and relax for a few hours without any stress. They couldn't even remember the last time they had alcohol, it was nice to engage in these sorts of adult activities for once, even if it was just for one evening.

Of course, the boys didn't go too overboard. They only had a few drinks, not wanting to get a hangover for the fan signing the next morning. After all, they had an image to uphold and turning up to an important event hungover wouldn't make the fans nor JYP happy.

Chan was in charge of managing the drinks for the night, he himself did not drink. Being the leader, he feels he has to set a good example to his members, especially the younger ones. He also doesn't like alcohol, the taste wasn't pleasant and he didn't like the effect it had on his body. Even the smallest amount could send him spiralling into the jaws of depression and he didn't find it particularly fun.

The leader knew all of his members' limits better than anyone. Having been out with them many times before, Chan knew just the right amount to give them in order for them to enjoy their evening without getting drunk. He knew that the smaller, more petite members like felix and jisung couldn't handle more than two drinks each whereas changbin and minho could handle more. All these things he kept in the back of his mind as he poured drink after drink for them.

Chan also had to be aware of felix's epilepsy, drinking while on his medication isn't recommended however it would be dangerous for felix to stop taking them in order to drink. Of course, drinking couldn't harm the boy if he took it easy, Chan would never allow the younger to do something that could put him in potential danger. However, alcohol could increase his chances of seizures and that would be uncomfortable for felix.

In a way, it was a good thing Chan didn't drink. It meant that whenever they went out, someone was always able to keep an eye on Felix and help him properly if he needed. As expected, Chan never made a big deal about it. He wanted Felix to join the others and relax without seeming as if he's being constantly watched or babied; however it was handy to have a sober person around in case of anything happening.

Chan still remembers the time Felix had gotten too drunk and had a tonic clonic seizure in the car on the way home from the bar. It was a bad one and the side effects were intense. The post seizure haze and aches accompanied with the hangover the next morning was something Felix never ever wanted to experience ever again. Chan kept this in mind when pouring his drinks.


"It's been nice to have the evening off," Minho commented from his place on the sofa, a vodka lemonade in his hand and a Han Jisung in his lap. The movie had just finished and Jeongin was flicking through the channels to see what else they could put on.

"Yeah, it's been good. We should ask JYP to give us more breaks," Hyunjin said from his place beside changbin.

"Like that ungrateful dick will allow that,'' Seungmin mumbled under his breath, it didn't go unnoticed by Chan who was quick to give him a stern look from the opposite side of the room while mouthing 'language' to the boy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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