𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5 - 𝓗𝓮𝓻 𝓛𝓪𝓶𝓫

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You steady your breath and tightened the grip on the spear in your hand. Then, you dashed forward. You glided through the room and thrusted your spear at the figure before you. Carmine managed to dodge your attack. She slashed her leg up, but your spear stopped it from colliding with your stomach.

You once again tried to strike her with your spear. However, this time, she manages to hit your leg. She knocked you on your ass with a laugh. "You're getting much better, but still leave yourself open."

She reached a hand out to you to pull you back up to your feet. "Thanks for the words of encouragement, but you don't have to struggle to complain to me."

"You really are improving. It's only been ten sessions, and you're managing to keep up with me without any former combat experience."

The two of you leave the training area and place the training spear back on the wall. Carmine noticed how you seemed out of it today. Usually, your more attentive and have quicker reaction times. But today, your whole body was tensed and you had bags under your eyes. It had been a while since you last saw each other. Maybe something happened while you were at work? She was too curious not to ask, but she had to be slick about it.

You wiped your brow with a towel while Carmine said, "I'm shocked you had time to come over today. You usually only have time to come early in the morning."

"Well, the princess is out at her boyfriend's house-."

"She has a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, they just got together. Lucifer is excited since it's his friend's son." You tried to sound indifferent, but the venom in your voice seeped out. Carmine raised her brow, and you sighed. "I feel bad for saying this, but I don't like him. His sister is so mean to Charlie, and he doesn't care."

Carmine nodded. She understood. Clare had a partner for a while, but they were a scumbag. Carmine wanted nothing more than to skewer that bitch, but she couldn't because Clare liked them (until they broke up, and Carmine could do whatever she wished to the creep).

"I tried to talk to Charlie about how they treat her, but she got upset, so I dropped it quickly. I can't say a thing to Lucifer since that's his best friend's son. Then, I tried talking to Lilith about it, but she didn't even care. I just wish I could protect her, but I guess this will have to be something she learns for herself." You blinked and look at Carmine, "Sorry, I don't mean to complain, I-."

"It's alright. You can tell me whatever you want. I'm here to listen." Over this training session, Carmine has grown very close to you. The more time she spent with you, the more fascinated she became. You would tell her nothing about your past, but you were so open with everything happening between you and the Morningstar's.

Yet a small part of her hates to hear about it. In her eyes, the family treats you awful. She could feel her blood boil whenever she heard about Lilith bossing you around. Carmine wants nothing more than to steal your soul contract. She would treat you better. She would appreciate the hard work you do!

"Thank you." You gave her a close-eye smile. Carmine could feel her heart beating faster.

You looked at the clock, and your eyes widen. "Oh, shot. I gotta go. Lilith has a concert, and I must help her prepare." You raced around the room, grabbing your stuff.

Before you could run out the door, Carmine grabbed your arm. "Can you stay here for a second?"

"Uh, sure. But I have to be going very soon." Carmine ran off, and you bounced on your heels while staring at the clock.

She came back and was holding a long suitcase. She handed you the case with a small smile, "Now that you've had some proper training. I think it's time for you to have something to protect yourself."

You placed the case on the ground and flipped it open. Inside was an angelic spear freshly polished. Your name was engraved in small lettering on the side near the bottom. "Carmine-."

"You can call me Carmilla."

"Carmilla, you didn't have to."

"I can't let all that training go to waste." You put the spear and case into one of your portals.

You ran at Carmilla and pulled her into a tight hug. Carmilla cheeks heated up as her leapt into her throat. She quickly wrapped herself around you and pulled you closer. Satan, she wishes this moment could last, but you pulled away and left Carmilla alone at the training ground.

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