Act 67: Minako's Secrets Exposed

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Usagi stares at her room wide eyed. This is not how she left it before the tour. It didn't look like this the times she visited home during the tour either. She can feel her cheeks flush a little bit. It was kind of embarrassing how it looked.

Seiya slowly looks around the room for a moment before turning to Usagi. "Umm... when did you...." He can't finish his statement as he continues to look around the room noticing the drastic increase of Three Lights merchandise.

There is a poster of Taiki, Seiya, and Yaten hanging on the wall behind Usagi's bed. The chabudai (low table) near her bed is stacked high with newspapers, magazines, and fliers from the tour or announcing information regarding the tour. On her dresser are some acyclic figures of Three Lights. Next to them are some CDs and DVDs of some past concert events.

Usagi had never seen any of these things before. She looks like some crazy fan standing next to Seiya. "Mom!!!" Usagi shouts before running out of the room toward the stairs. She barely misses Luna.

"Be careful Usagi-chan!" Luna scolds trying to not be flattened by the blonde hurricane.

Seiya slowly walks out of Usagi's room with a look of utter confusion. All that stuff wasn't there before they left for the tour, was it?

Luna smiles at Seiya's reaction. "Usagi-chan's Mom... might have gone a little overboard."

"That was her Mom?" Seiya asked incredulously.

"It's a funny story." Before Luna can continue she can hear Usagi shouting, "What happened to my room? Where did all that stuff come from??"

Seiya shakes his head slowly walks down the stairs wanting to hear the explanation as well.

"I don't see why you are so upset," Ikkuko looks at her daughter questioningly. "After the article of you and Seiya-kun in the newspaper, everyone wanted to talk to me. The man at the magazine stand made sure I received a copy of any magazine he had for the Three Lights. I went to the grocery store and passed a Hard Off* store. The owner still remembers me taking you there to buy lots of used manga when you were little. When he saw the article he started saving a lot of things to give me whenever I walked by. So many people were excited to say they know Seiya-kun's girlfriend's mother."

Usagi blinks a few times, unsure of how to respond to her mother's story. "Umm... that is a lot of stuff they gave you."

"I kept trying to decline them at the beginning but I gave up," Ikkuko comments with a shrug.

Usagi teardrops. "There was more...?"

Seiya's eyes widen when he discovers this is only a fraction of the items that could have ended up in Usagi's room.

Aunt Koemi listens to her sister's story with a disapproving scowl. She hates it when Ikkuko is the center of attention all of these years later.

"The phone stopped ringing but now that you're back... I'm sure it's going to start all over again," Ikkuko tries not to cringe. She used to be excited to receive a phone call to catch up with family or friends but it became a nuance because it was constant and at odd hours.

"Seriously...?" Usagi looks at her. She didn't realize it was that bad.

Seiya frowns after hearing this information. "I'm sorry if the press keeps bothering you."

Ikkuko smiles at him. "It can't go on forever."

Seiya laughs nervously. He didn't want to be the one to tell her.

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