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(Getting ready)
I woke up to ice nine kills playing which I mean it is my alarm, I got up put on a big red hoodie I had just got from hot topic a few days ago, gave me an excuse to wear it since it will be raining for the next few days. I don't really like rain or- I don't like walking to school in the rain always. I put on some black baggy cargo pants and my crusty converse that I haven't cleaned in 3 years, but you know I don't really care. I went to the bathroom and brushed my black hair out, I just dyed my hair black yesterday I honestly liked it. I brushed my teeth and obviously put some black eye liner on I look bare without it. I went downstairs and grabbed a piece of bread to eat, I'm not really hungry but if I don't eat something I'll feel sick.

I grabbed my backpack and quickly rushed out the door. Fuck I hate walking in the rain, I put my hood up and continued walking to hell. as soon as I got there I rushed inside to get out of the rain that was pouring down on me, the floors were wet and people were yelling so loudly it was so overstimulating, I ran over to my locker and shoved my backpack in there and grabbed two books out of it. I had history first period which honestly sucks but-
fuck. I seen her. Y/N, I've liked her since 6th grade but I don't even know if she knows I exist, they were talking to one of her friends but they look so pretty today. Their hair was wet which I'm sure is from the rain ,when my hair is wet I look like a wet dog I don't think I've ever seen anyone this pretty. Ugh I wish I could talk to her but I don't think I'll ever.

(First period)
The bell rang so I ran over to first period but all I could think about was Y/N. I walked into the classroom when everyone else was also rushing in, I sat down in the back in the classroom I kept my hood up and quite literally just zoned out thinking about Y/N I wish they would notice me, everyone sat down as the teacher started yapping about lord knows what.
Teacher - "EVAN HOOD DOWN"
I looked up to see everyone staring at me my heart dropped as I slowly took my hood down, I looked over at every staring at me. Holy shit. Y/N was looking at me! everyone eventually looked away I kinda felt embarrassed I started down into my book as the teacher continued talking, I looked over at Y/N that was 2 seats away from me, they were looking at me??!!!(!!,!. I nervously smiled at waved at them. Y/N smiled and waved back . OMG Y/N SMILED AND WAVED AT ME! I nervously looked down and I was smiling like an idiot I'm such a hopeless romantic.
I had so many thoughts running through my head I felt like a fool, I'm a fool for Y/N. I hate how stupid I sound drooling over them

(Second period)
as I was walking to class I seen Y/N.. with a (person cause I don't assume genders or sexuality's :•)
to be honest my heart just shattered into a million pieces I rushed over the second period I feel like I had just seen a ghost I don't know how to feel I can't control Y/N but I really wish they would just notice me. I wish her waving and smiling at me meant more than just being friendly. I sat down in the back of the class again, this teacher just kind of tells stories more than us learning and doing anything so I layed my head down closed my eyes and just thought to myself, I was speechless I didn't know what to do, there's nothing I can do. Am I A Ghost?

( Skip 2-3 periods cause nothing happens :} )

(lunch :0)
I sat down by myself like usual, nothing was going through my head by this point I was zoned out thinking about nothing, I'm sure I was just thinking about how when I got home I really wanted to curl up into a ball and cry, and I mean of course listen to music. I stared at my food till I felt a presents next to me, it made me jump since I was totally not paying attention to literally anything
Y/N - "hey Evan are you okay? Sorry didn't mean to startle you."
I look over to see Y/N I got lost in her eyes I was so confused, how did they know my name? They're asking if I'm okay? Oh god what if I make this awkward-
Y/N laughs a little
Y/N - "earth to Evan?"
Evan - "fuck sorry I've zoned out a lot today"
Y/N - "what's on ur mind?"
Evan - "uhh it's nothing really- but how did u know my name? we haven't really ever spoke"
Y/N - "well I don't mean to be like a stalker or anything but I pay attention to you"
this incredibly shocked me I felt a lump in my throat I felt like smiling but it also felt weird.
Evan - "you pay attention to me-?"
Y/N - "okay it sounds super weird but I mean like your really cool and most times I find myself admiring your style"
I was trying not to blush, my stomach had butterflies, my bones were weak, my heart healed, and I didn't know how to feel
Evan - "I think your really cool too"
Y/N - "really? That makes me feel awesome sauce for someone as cool as u to say that"
I find myself laughing at this
Evan - "u just made my day"
Y/N - "hey im gonna go back and sit with my friends if you want to come you can."
Evan - "uhh it's okay Im pretty awkward"
Y/N - "Okie dokie that's fine I won't force you, hey can I get your number? I'd love to be friends"
I panicked I didn't want to sound too desperate but I didn't wanna sound like an asshole
Evan - "yeah of course!"
I grabbed a napkin and wrote down my number, I made sure to write it very clean.
Evan - "here you go"
I said to her smiling like an idiot but their smile is just so contagious, and they way her eyes were full of life
Y/N - "thank you I'll text you as soon as I get home!"
Evan - "I'll be waiting" I said sarcastically smiling

word count : 1177

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