01. Let's Begin (START)

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A young woman slinks into the shadows of the trees, a hooded shawl cloaking over her face in crimson shades. Beads of sweat trickle down from her forehead as her gaze darts back and forth, double checking the premise with laser precision. Tonight, the stars have already peeked through, emerging into the midnight sky with their luminous glow. As she navigates through the wintery woods, gliding through white tree trunks and the ongoing snowfall with fumbled haste, a stampede of black wolves stalk after her, their growls and snarls materializing into an ominous cacophony.

The Grave Shadow Pack.

Known as one of the most powerful werewolf communities in existence, The Grave Shadow Pack has been hunting vampires who have been feasting on their livestock for quite a while now. With relentless determination, they've been able to conquer any hurdles that come their way thus far.

Except for these pesky bloodsuckers, apparently.

And despite this woman's mousy image and petite frame, with her doe-like amber eyes and frizzy hazelnut curls, her guilty fangs are no exception.

Suddenly, Alpha Jax Sterling, the leader of the Grave Shadow Pack, stands before her in a blurred flash, a whirlwind of snowflakes crashing behind him.

Since he'd just recently shifted out of his feral wolf form to his humanoid one, a pair of black wolf ears still sit on his head from the transformation, his wolf tail following suit. As a scowl darkens his pale face, his red eyes seethe with an unspoken fury. His comrades rush in soon after, crowding around their target in a similar fashion; they're on their legs now instead of their paws as they all shift into their humanoid forms. Their bones snap back into place, their bodies morphing from animal to man for a grotesque second.

"Eliza Jeralt," Jax addresses her, grim and stern, "you've been a real greedy bitch. From feasting on our meat supply to stealing our crops... If you weren't already an undead leech, you would've died at our hands by now."

Trembling under the weight of his glare, of all their glares, Eliza simply bares her fangs in a shaky smile, her lips wobbling, and hitches her arms up in a shrug. "Er, whoops? Sorry for being hungry? Food has been hard to find around this time of the year and there's not exactly a lot to go around. Surely, you must understand..."

Jax's right-hand man, a werewolf by the name of Zeke, rolls his eyes. "And surely you must understand what the concept of stealing is and why we're not so fond of it."

"I really ask that you spare me mercy anyway," Eliza implores, her voice wavering with a hint of caution. She brings a hand over the gold and red amulet looped around her neck. "'Cause I really, really, really don't wanna have to do this if you don't..."

At that, Zeke raises an eyebrow, a silent inquisition reflected behind his circular glasses.

Suddenly, the sharp boom of a group swooping in from the trees answers his question. With the tables turned against them, it's the werewolves that are surrounded by a team of vampires now, all of whom possess identical crimson cloaks that billow around them like wings.

Eliza lets out a dry laugh, a clumsy and awkward sound in this crisp winter air. "You didn't think that you wolves were the only ones who worked in packs, did you?"

Even with her meek mannerisms, her words and infamy still bear a sinking weight, a chilling note of suspense. The silence that looms over them is taut with tension as the vampires and wolves circle around each other.

Then, exactly one second later, shit hits the fan.

One of Eliza's vampires makes the first move.

In the blink of an eye, a vampire hurls himself against Zeke, tackling Grave Shadow's second-in-command against a tree. A loud crack resounds from him, resulting in a shattered canine whine.

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