The Dinner

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Song: Run Back To You by LAY and Lauv

As Anne laid in bed the next morning, her mind kept playing old memories of JK. Maybe it was because of all of the recent run-ins with her old friend, but he had been on her mind a disturbingly high amount lately.

Her emotions were pinging all over the place as she thought about how determined he had been to speak with her. She bounced from feelings of nervousness, dread, apprehension, and dare she even say, excitement?

But why was she experiencing feelings of excitement? Was it because on some level she was happy to be reconnecting with him? Or...was it something more? Her stomach flipped at the thought of digging up those old feelings. Her and JK were always so in sync with everything when they were younger. It was as easy as breathing just being around him. wasn't.

She sighed as she flopped over onto her stomach and propped her chin in her hands. It seemed like a million years ago that they had been thick as thieves. In all of her hurt and attempts at indifference, she had forgotten just how magnetic he could be. Even as a gangly teenager he had possessed an intense aura that was impossible to ignore. Rather than fading, it seemed that time, success, and confidence had only magnified his unique draw.

Anne tilted her head as she remembered how lonely she felt when all of them left on their very first world tour and how he had spammed her with Kakao messages about everything he had seen on his trip. Their video calls had been frustratingly short, with him staying up late into the night to be able to chat with her for just a brief ten minutes.

When he came home, he went straight to his parents house for a short rest and then was right back at BigHit, working on the next big thing for BTS. But then he would always make it up to her by turning up at her house with a cheeky little grin before grabbing her hand and tugging her along behind him to get into some type of mischief.

Oh how she relished their time spent goofing off. The rare moments when he could sneak away were so precious to both of them. She couldn't help but smile to herself as she finally flung the comforter off of herself and went into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

As she was finishing her coffee, her phone rang and her heart dipped as she saw the caller ID. She set her mug down onto the coffee table and cleared her throat before answering.

"Hey, Dae, what's up?" She greeted her fiance.

"Annie Bell! It's not too early there is it? I tried to wait until closer to midnight my time to give you a call."

"Ah, no, not at all. I was just finishing up breakfast actually. What's going on?"

"Well, I just wanted to call and let you know that I wrapped up my patient transfers earlier than expected! I booked my flight to Seoul for next week, so I should be there on Thursday!"

Anne blinked in shock for a moment. So soon?

"Ah, uhm, wow! That's great!" she choked out.

"I know right? I can't wait to see you. I've missed you, Bell," he breathed.

"I've missed you too, Dae."

"It's good to hear your voice. You know how much I hate texting."

"Oh yes, I know...."

"Okay, well I better go. It's late here. I'll send you my flight info when I wake up. Tell your mom I said hi!"

"I will..."

"Bye Bell! Love you," he told her.

"Ah, love you too."

After they hung up, she slowly lowered her phone to the couch cushion beside her and took a deep breath. Dae would be here in just five days...

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