Undiscovered Discoveries

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A/n: this scene is where Kenric gets a flashback and where they discover some buried memories that were shattered by Gethen!? read to find out 

also major spoiler warnings if u havent read the whole series

Kenric's POV:

Kenric felt all his weight falling backwards, and he ended up falling on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

Oralie's eyes went wide and she rushed over to help Kenric, unsure what to do.

Kenric couldn't move- his body was frozen in place. No matter how hard he tried, he was stuck.

He felt his mind do something he'd never experienced before, he felt sharp pieces of moments come together to form-

A memory?

Wait- how was that possible? No memory should be able to do that. No telepath has been able to do that. 

Add that on to another list of things Kenric had to worry about.

The memory looked faded, a bit discolored, and cracked at the edges. 

If this was a washed memory, shouldn't it have come back in the way it was before?

Is this memory even mine?

The setting was dark, so you couldn't see where the person was.

Kenric squinted his eyes as if it would help clear up the memory, which it didn't, but Kenric finally realized who it was in the memory.


So it was his memory.

But why did it look so- so low quality? And broken?


Kenric's mind was so fixated on the word, the memory even stopped playing.

Did I lose my memory when my mind broke? Kenric thought.

But that wasn't possible.

Was it?

Kenric was starting to believe that the things that used to be impossible were now becoming possible, and there was no time to question them.

He pushed the thought away to let the memory start playing again.

The sounds were muffled, but were still audible. The sound of rustling papers filled Kenric's mind.

There was a soft flicker of light- balefire in a bottle. Kenric held it close to his chest, walking slowly and making the slightest crunch sound on the ground as he walked.

You could tell there was dirt on the ground, but as Kenric progressed further, the ground slowly turned to stone.

A cave

The light from the balefire illuminated the cave, showing it's empty vastness.

Kenric felt the urge to call out, but something inside him stopped him.

Was it his queasiness? His fear that someone was watching him? Or maybe the eerie looks of the cave had really gotten to him.

Kenric shifted his gaze to the paper. It looked like a letter, but the memory was so low quality it was impossible to read what it said. 

In the same hand Kenric was holding the letter with, was a blue crystal, without a chain around it to wear around someone's neck. 

Blue- it was a blue crystal. It must have been to the forbidden cities!

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