Disreputable Fox

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Disclaimer: Zootopia and all related characters are owned by Disney. All other characters, product names, trademarks, and copyrights, belong to their respective owners.


Judy pushed open the doors of the Precinct One atrium and made her way toward Clawhauser's desk. She shivered as the door closed behind her, not from the slight breeze, but from having had to talk to her sleazy landlord this morning on the way out of her building.

"Good morning, Miss Hopps. Nice to see you leaving by yourself this morning."

Judy had been about to give the red panda a pleasant morning greeting, but instead, Judy said in a much colder tone, "What's that supposed to mean, Mr. Critterly?"

"Nothing, I'm just happy to see that you've stopped letting that fox hang out with you. I was starting to worry about your taste in friends."

Judy growled out, "What you should be worried about is my taste in landlords. Officer Wilde is my ZPD partner, and if I want him to stay over at my place, then I'm allowed to do that, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Critterly put his paws up as if he were surrendering and took a step back, "Fine, fine, whatever you say, just making sure you remember what was in the lease you signed."

Judy huffed, Mindy was right about Critterly, not that she was ready to use the same language to describe him as she had, but she was getting there. "I know what I signed, and I'm allowed to have guests over if I want to, so please leave me alone."

"Of course, Miss Hopps."

"That's Officer Hopps to you, Mister Critterly. Now if you will excuse me, good day."

Critterly just smirked, and with an exaggerated flourish, he waved his arm toward the lobby door, "And you have yourself a wonderful day also."

Judy finished walking to Clawhauser's desk as she shook her head in the hopes she could forget about that flaming... Judy chided herself, she wasn't going to go all Mindy on him yet.

"Morning Ben, did anything interesting happen overnight?"

Wiping his muzzle, Clawhauser swallowed and then replied, "Nope, all quiet. How about with you? Or should I be asking about Nick and how he's doing?"

Judy rolled her eyes, "Nick's doing fine, although if I hear any more about the deputy he's partnered with and how far he can 'mosey' before he needs to 'take a load off,' I think I'll scream."

Clawhauser gave his friend a serious look as he replied, "Now, Judy. A well-performed mosey is a work of art, it takes almost the same amount of effort and practice to perfect, as being able to eat a powdered doughnut without making a mess." Reaching under his desk, Clawhauser said, "Here, let me show you."

Judy facepalmed, "Ben, no, seriously, please stop."

Clawhauser looked at Judy innocently, with powdered sugar all over his muzzle and covering his shirt, and said, "Mmwht?"

"Ben, I need to talk with Connor, has he come in yet?"

*Cough* "No, he called and said he won't be in until lunchtime. His mate, I mean, girlfriend, was able to take advantage of a last-minute cancellation and get in to see her doctor this morning, and Connor said he had to go with her. He told me that he'd catch up with you later."

Judy chewed on her lip and thought. She'd talked with Nick last night and filled him in on the meet with Thorn, well not everything that had happened, she'd promised Axl that she would keep a few things to herself.

Nick knew about the homeless encampment but had never been there, so it was going to be up to Judy to scope it out and see if she could find Crazy Ray. Nick had agreed with her that her next best lead was to track down Crazy Ray and figure out what had happened to him and if it had anything to do with the drug that was used on Katie Leyton.

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