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Disclaimer: Zootopia and all related characters are owned by Disney. All other characters, product names, trademarks, and copyrights, belong to their respective owners.


Nick stepped into the hospital lobby as the doors slid open. It was a treat to be walking in versus being carted in on a gurney, not that he remembered anything from that night a week ago after being beaten up.

He was a little early, figuring he might get caught behind a slow-moving tractor he'd allowed a little extra time to get here. Lucky for him the roads had been clear, and he'd been able to get the convertible up to a fast enough speed that he was able to enjoy having the top down, something he'd wished his dad could have experienced years ago.

Looking around, he saw the lobby was empty except for a couple of young margays sitting on a couch and a female, probably their mother, talking with the receptionist. Figuring he had time to kill, Nick walked over to where the two younger felines were sitting.

As Nick approached the seating area, he noticed that the larger margay looked to be a teen boy, maybe seventeen, and the other cub was a young girl, eight or nine, with a splint on her arm. Accidents happen to kits all the time, but he was a cop, and this town wasn't always as friendly to predators as it should be.

"Hi there, I'm Officer Wilde, is everything okay?"

The teen, looking a little frustrated, put out a paw, "Hi, I'm Riley Purrbrook, and this is my sister, Chloe. She fell while climbing a tree and broke her arm," nodding toward the older female at the reception desk, "and my mom's trying to get her in to see a doctor." Grumbling, he added, "They're making her do a lot of paperwork first."

Nick nodded, "Yeah, bureaucrats everywhere are all about the paperwork; I'm sure it'll only take a few more minutes." Turning to the girl, "So, you fell out of a tree, huh, you know that can happen to anyone, I had to rescue a bunny kit from a tree about ten days ago," extending his claws, "had to climb using just my claws, that was pretty scary."

Riley leaned toward his sister, "Remember that video I showed you?" Chloe nodded as her brother continued, "That was him."

Chloe started to laugh quietly and whispered, "Really?"

Nick, figuring anything he could do to brighten the mood of a hurt cub, rolled his eyes and mock groaned, "Is there anyone, anywhere that hasn't seen that video?"

The little girl laughed a little more and shook her head as she perked up.

The mood quickly soured as the shadow of Mrs. Purrbrook cast itself over the small group.

"Come on, that... that animal won't check Chloe in, so we can't see a doctor here. Riley, go get the truck, we have to go somewhere else."

"But, Mom, where? The guy at the clinic said she needed a hospital and the next nearest hospital is-"

Standing up, Nick interrupted, "Excuse me, Mrs. Purrbrook, my name is Nick Wilde, and I'm with the sheriff's department, maybe I can help."

Mrs. Purrbrook shook her head, "I don't think so, not unless you can help her find our insurance information." She growled, "Damn rabbit, I'd like to show her a thing or two, making my cub wait."

Nick nodded, "You know, my partner in the city says I'm pretty good at getting other mammals to do paperwork, how about if you let me see if I can work some magic here."

Nick and Mrs. Purrbrook went back up to the receptionist's desk, and Nick politely cleared his throat.

Without looking up from giving herself a manicure with an emery board, the 20ish-year-old doe said, "What?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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