'Deliberate' Part II

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A.N.: I swore that I would only make this two parts.... so this chapter's nearing 4k words, lol. I mean, you're welcome?

Lil bit of swearing, a kind of intense makeout scene? (I ended up toning it down, sorry but it felt way too OOC, for those of you begging for smut this is not it but I'll get there later, alright? I'm legit practicing because I don't want to make anyone's eyes bleed lol)

K I'll stop rambling here we go:

"Testing, testing-"

"Okay, why does he have to be in our ears?" Alvez asked, gesturing to his earpiece.

"Because Garcia and I both have access to the club's camera feeds, and Garcia's busy running facial recognition software." Spencer replied through the earpiece. "Testing, testing-"

Y/N winced, adjusting her volume.

"We read you loud and clear, Reid." Alvez chuckled.

"Wow, I've never heard that one before." Spencer said, deadpan. Y/N almost laughed, but stopped herself. Simmons laughed.

"Okay Reid." Simmons straightened his tie. "We're spacing out our entrances. Luke'll be out in the west wing, I'm east, Y/N's on the dance floor."

"A little more complicated than that, but sure." Y/N shrugged. "I've got to establish myself."

"What does that mean?" Spencer's voice asked.

"Don't worry about it." Y/N snorted.

Y/N could hear the irritation in Spencer's voice as he spoke to them. "Okay. If Garcia gets a hit, we'll let you know. Make sure to keep a low profile. Unless you're Y/N, I suppose. We spoke with the bartender, she'll only be serving you virgin drinks, but keep up the act. This unsub's using his victim's inebriation to his advantage."

"Got it."

"Garcia and I will be serving as an additional set of eyes and ears, but we'll try to keep quiet for the most part."

"Thanks Reid." Simmons whispered, headed towards the bouncer at the front door.

Y/N sighed, adjusting the strap of her top. "This shouldn't take too long, right?"

Alvez shrugged. "Probably won't."

**three hours later**

"I swear to god, if he isn't here-"

"He's got to be." Alvez said in a low voice, swirling his glass around. "We've tracked nearly every victim's movements to this place before their death."

Y/N scratched the back of her neck. "In that case, shouldn't we be focusing on the one victim who can't be traced back to this club? I mean, that could imply our unsub's got a personal connection to her-"

"JJ and Rossi are busy right now examining that route, were you not paying attention during the briefing?"

"...I guess not as well as I should've been." Y/N set down her glass. "What I wouldn't give for some real alcohol right now."

Luke chuckled. "Come on, you gotta be having at least some fun."

"But the music is so loud." Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose. "And some of these drinks are way too sugary, I'd kill for french fries right now, honestly."

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