Be Prepared for the Dance - Part 3

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As Voices 1 change himself into Uno in 15 year old teen he sees the unfamiliar face of Dark Loyal Princess as he and pokemons watches her in silence.

Uno's Mind: Who is this girl? (Looks at Dark Loyal Princess in confusion)

As Uno moves a little then he heard Lucia and The Councils talking and heading up to Dark Loyal Princess.

Uno: Lucia?

Mudkip: Mudkip Kip?

Litwick: Litwick...


Dark Loyal Princess: (Chuckles) Look at us, four girls with our darkest and greatest potential to destroy Princess Hylanna's gang and rule the dimensions.😈😈

Uno: (Hmm, this Dark Loyal Princess might be taking over the multiverse, but she didn't even realize that Mother Cursa will take over the Galaxies. And good thing that she didn't even notice that I'm here to see what's going on along with my Pokémon)

Lucia: Excellent which is why The GrojGang is going to pay. There's nothing they can do to stop us.

Cassandra: Yeah yeah.

Uno: (And didn't they realize that Kanya did attack the heroes with her robot? Anyway, I must leave before they sees me) Return guys... (Pokémon goes inside the Pokéball and suddenly accidentally pushes the door and reveals himself)

Uno: Oh no... (Sees Lucia and Dark Loyal Princess)

Dark Loyal Princess: (Evil Laugh) That's right, my dear Lucia, and we shall turn this world into Darkness.😈😈😈

Dark Loyal Princess
🎶So prepare for a chance of a lifetime🎶
🎶Be Prepared for sensational news🎶
🎶A shining new Era is tiptoeing nearer🎶

Lucia: ???

Dr. Girlfriend: Oh? And were do we feature?

Dark Loyal Princess
Oh, just listen to teacher, Dr. Girlfriend..
🎶I know it sounds sordid🎶
🎶But you'll be rewarded🎶
🎶When at last I am given my dues🎶
And injustice deliciously squared
🎶Be Prepared~🎶

Cassandra: Of course, be prepared. What an impressive.

Lucia's Mind: Oh, great. First Cursa, and now Dark Loyal Princess. Cursa sings be prepared before she sings be prepared. And, finally! She sang from now on.

Uno: Uhh Hey Ladies. 😅

Lucia: Huh? (Looks at Uno)

Cassandra & Dr. Girlfriend: (Looks at Uno and confused)

Lucia: Uhhh, who are you?

Uno: Umm, my name is Uno, and I'm a Pokémon trainer. And new here and this one will be very awkward and (Looks at Dark Loyal Princess) And you're Dark Loyal Queen, right?

Lucia: That's Dark Loyal Princess to you.

Foxxy: We just heard something. What is going on here?

Clara: (To Uno) And who is that?

Lucia: Uhhh....

Foxxy: Lucia, who is this boy?

Lucia: His name is Uno.

Duke & Missi: Uno?

Cassandra: Yes.

Venomous: Why didn't you just tell us before?!

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