Chapter 18

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One week later

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One week later...

Harper's POV

As I was in the closet packing, Ethan burst into the room, his appearance as frantic as his tone. "Where have you been? I've called and messaged you countless times, but you haven't responded," he said, his voice edged with desperation.

"I didn't feel like talking," I replied without pausing, my focus remaining on the task at hand.

"Can you please hear me out? I just need a few minutes," he pleaded.

"Fine, go ahead. I'm listening," I said, signaling him to speak while I continued packing, ready to hear what he had to say.

"I'm sorry, it was a mistake. I was stupid. Please forgive me. I don't want a divorce; we can work this out. I'm okay with us going to marriage counseling. You know my family loves you, I don't want to lose you," Ethan rushed out, his words spilling over each other in a plea for reconciliation.

I took a moment to process his words, "Are you finished?" I asked calmly once he paused. "It's funny how you're swearing up and down that you don't want a divorce, but all your reasons are selfish and all about you, as usual." You seem more concerned with your needs and fears rather than addressing the pain and betrayal you caused me.

"Let's see, you want me back because you 'can't live without me. But let's be clear, that's because I manage everything around the house from ensuring our home is well-maintained, to paying the bills on time, to having your meals ready. You're not missing me, you're missing the convenience I provide."

"You care about your image in front of your parents and the company, so you want me to forgive you and play the part of the doting wife," I continued, my tone sharpening with each word as I laid bare his motives.

"And you say 'it was a mistake,'" I added, skepticism lacing my voice, "but you can't explain how you 'mistakenly' slept with your ex-girlfriend for an entire year. How does that happen? Did your dick accidentally fall into her? Really Ethan?" My words were harsh, underscoring the absurdity of his excuses and depth of his action.

"You know I love..."

"Don't you dare utter those words," I interrupted sharply.

"LOVE?" I continued, my voice rising with disbelief.

"How does one inflict pain on the person they claim to love? Years of our shared life discarded as if they were nothing. How can you lie beside me, smile in my face, touch me intimately, only to betray me with another? Ethan, how do you justify deceiving me, treating our sacred vows as if they were mere words, as if I were nothing to you?" My questions hung heavily in the air, each one layered with the betrayal and hurt that had accumulated, challenging the very essence of his professed feelings.

"If you truly loved me, I would have been enough for you, and you wouldn't have even entertained the idea of being with her in the first place," I stated, my words cutting through the silence with clarity and pain. "You wouldn't have left me to eat alone at home night after night while you had your fun. And you told her I was boring in bed, right? Well, now you have my permission to have all the mind-blowing sex you want with her."

"To make matters worse, you used our money to take your mistress on trips and buy her gifts. You even had unprotected sex with her, putting my health at serious risk. If this is how you treat someone you love, I shudder to think how you treat those you dislike."

"We can never go back to what we once had. So, here are your options: sign the divorce papers and we part ways amicably. Refuse to sign, and we take this to court to let the judge decide. Or, drag this out, and I will make sure everyone knows about your deeds. The choice is yours."

"You've changed," he said disbelief in his voice.

"And you are not the man I thought you were," I replied, my tone resolute. I grabbed my suitcases, feeling the weight of each step as I walked away from the life we once shared, never looking back.


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