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Days have passed and I made myself convinced that I am not thinking about her, but she was always in my mind. The way she came down, the way she hugged Ritika before going back to her room, the way she just took a glance towards the office and the way her eyes got locked to mine for a beat when Ritika introduced her to us. And also the way Varun gave her a hug, and after that I gave him loads of files to complete. I am sure he won't be able to get free time for quite a few days. But again here I was in SUNSHINE CAFE with a girl who I promised to take her for coffee because she provided us with the inner information regarding a case. I was not even paying attention to her words, a whole file was on the table about Divyanka, and I was going to read it after this stupid coffee meeting. The plan was simple come here, drink coffee and focus on the file.

"Are you even listening to me" I was interrupted by the girl's voice. I saw her coffee get over this means I kept my promise and now she can get the hell out. "The coffee is over and you may leave now"  She stomps her feet and leaves. Well I was in no mood to entertain her. I made myself towards the counter and ordered myself a black coffee and sat back. "Here's your coffee sir" a familiar voice caught my attention. Same black eyes, and her hair tied up in a bun with a few locks falling on her face. Divyanka Singh works in a cafe.

Didn't know but after having coffee in SUNSHINE CAFE no other cafe's coffee is suiting my taste buds. It must be the taste right. I was sitting in the same spot with a black coffee on my table and working on my file. "Change in place, why so chief?" Varun joined me with a 'I got you' smirk on his face. I glanced back at my file "The coffee tastes good here" . Varun chuckled "The coffee or the service?", my words were cut down by Divyanka "Here's your coffee sir" she gave it to Varun. "Come on Div don't call me sir. Call me by name after all we are friends right and Ritika will poison me if she hears you calling me sit" Divyanka chuckle and went back to work. I gave an icy stare to Varun "Come on chief you deserve it" Varun smirked and left but before he went he gave Divyanka a small talk and made her laugh, then he turned back to me and gave me a mocking wave. He is going to have another busy week, no no not a week a whole god damn month.


"So we have been confirmed that the drugs will be reaching the target after three days and then it will be distributed to college students, expensive bars, cafes and the list goes on" Rajveer passed us the details "Then we have to keep an eye on the location before matter goes out of hands" Ritika added. Our location was in a very busy area, well the whole of South Bombay is a rush place. It was a simple house, faded paints and dried garden only with one scooty parked in front of the entrance.  Varun and Siddharth took position on the other end of the house, while Rajveer and Kiara took position at the back side. I and Ritika were just a few houses back. We were keeping an eye on the house for almost a week. I broke the silence "Why does Divyanka work in a cafe?. Is it her wish or a story?" I can see Ritika hesitated but she finally said "She wanted to work there and I didn't want to stop her from doing it" she took a pause "She deserves it.... to be happy, after everything she faced...." Her voice trailed off. There was one thing about Ritika,  she speaks her heart out no matter how the person feels, but the way she trailed off, there is more to the story. My thoughts were interrupted "God I need a coffee, what say chief?" That bloody Varun he knows everyone is connected with blutooth and this bastard takes full advantage of that.  I tried to keep my composer "Then get yourself a coffee idiot don't disturb me". "Okay I will and I will also say hi to Div" I pulled out my phone and texted Varun a crystal clear threat.


Me : First of all, call her Div and die and second keep your ass to yourself and I will bring the coffees . CLEAR

Varun : *smirking  emoji" Suit yourself

I grabbed my helmet and rode to the cafe, the cafe was only at the next block and it only took me one minute to reach there. It was already 8 p.m., time for the cafe to get close but I reached there on time. Two staff were cleaning and a few customers were leaving. I placed my order, my eyes wandering around but she wasn't here maybe she left, but she never leaves before time, she always leaves the cafe at 8:30 p.m. and then she catches the bus of 8:45 p.m. the bus barely stops at anywhere, it have only two stoppages before Divyanka's. From the bus stop to her house, it takes her 10 mins to walk. She doesn't stop in the middle unless she has her favourite ice cream shop open. I slapped myself in my mind, well i just happened to know her way by accident I only followed her for her safety afterall. I was just I took my order and went back to them. Time passed, when a van stopped in front of the house and four men got down and went inside, each of them carrying a suitcase. Another van stopped and five men got down and went in different directions, two in the left alley and one in the other block while the rest two towards the cafe FUCK. Then everything went quiet, no voices, no vans everything silent. "Everyone stays alert" i said and soon we heard two gun shots one from the house and another from the direction of the cafe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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