{Prim}✨ The Boy I Admired From Afar

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Review of  "The Boy I Admired From Afar"

Follow Luna's journey of self-discovery as she navigates the challenges of university life, a secret crush, and her own introverted nature. A heartfelt story about overcoming fears and finding the courage to connect with others.


Luna, a shy university student, finds herself fascinated by Enea, a confident and outspoken classmate in her German language course. Though her friends find him annoying, Luna admires his intelligence and boldness from a distance. A chance encounter outside of class leads to a humiliating moment, causing Luna to question her own social skills and fear she’s made a terrible impression. As she unexpectedly ends up in another class with Enea, Luna must navigate her anxieties and decide if she's brave enough to confront her feelings—or remain in the background, forever admiring from afar.

Cover: 4/5

The cover's soft pastel colors create a calming and serene atmosphere, drawing the eye with its subtlety. However, the lack of a prominent title makes it somewhat difficult to immediately grasp the book's content or theme. A bold title would significantly improve its impact and help guide the reader's attention. Overall, it's a pleasing design that could benefit from a stronger focal point.

Title: 4/5

The title, "The Boy I Admired From Afar," effectively hints at the central theme of the story, which revolves around an unrequited admiration or interest from a distance. While it accurately represents the content, it could be more imaginative or unique to capture potential readers' attention more forcefully.

Blurb: 2/5

The blurb is a critical component that should hook the reader, but it falls short in terms of clarity and coherence. It provides a fragmented overview of the classroom setting and Luna's feelings towards Enea, but it lacks a cohesive structure and doesn't generate enough intrigue to compel the reader to dive into the story. It would benefit from a clearer and more engaging narrative hook.

Characters: 7/10

Luna, the protagonist, is a well-developed character with relatable traits. Her introversion and struggles with social interaction are conveyed authentically, making her a character that many readers can connect with. The supporting characters, such as Cassy and Lia, add realism and depth to the setting, but they aren't given enough spotlight to shine. Enea, the boy Luna admires, is more of an enigma, with limited background or personality development in the early chapters. This lack of detail creates a sense of mystery but could also make it difficult for readers to become invested in his character.

Plot: 6/10

The plot centers on Luna's quiet admiration for Enea and her social struggles within the university setting. While it has the potential for a charming slice-of-life story, the pacing is slow, and there's a noticeable lack of conflict or significant events in the early chapters. The interactions with Enea are fleeting and don't build the tension or progression that one might expect from a story with romantic undertones. The plot could be enhanced with more engaging twists or dramatic developments to keep readers interested.

Grammar & Vocabulary: 3/5

The grammar and vocabulary are generally adequate, but there are inconsistencies in sentence structure and punctuation. Certain phrases and expressions seem awkward or unclear, which can disrupt the flow of the narrative. Additionally, the dialogue, while sometimes natural, can feel stiff or forced in places. Improved editing and a more consistent writing style would elevate the overall quality.

Enjoyment: 3/5

Despite its flaws, the story offers moments of enjoyment, particularly in its depiction of university life and the dynamics between friends. The interactions between Luna and her friends bring some levity and warmth to the story. However, the slow pacing and lack of compelling developments in the early chapters may cause readers to lose interest. A greater focus on character interactions and a more dynamic plot could enhance the overall enjoyment.

Overall Score: 3.3/5

Overall, "The Boy I Admired From Afar" presents a relatable protagonist and a setting that many can identify with. However, the slow pacing, limited plot developments, and occasional grammatical issues can hinder the reader's engagement. To improve, the story would benefit from a more cohesive blurb, increased plot momentum, more detailed character development, and refined grammar and vocabulary.

**Disclaimer:** This review reflects my personal opinion and may contain some spoilers. I don't hold any personal grudges; I'm just here to share my thoughts and offer some constructive feedback to help the writers enhance their work. Writing is a tough job, and I appreciate the effort that goes into it. Everyone has their own perspective, so I encourage you to form your own opinion. This review is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Keep up the great work, and enjoy the process of storytelling!

Story's author: moony_grayson
Reviewer : the_lonely_pi


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