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Mina: Okay

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Mina: Okay. So the base fell through. He informed you. And you didn't bother sending me to help him through it?!

Uncle Lee: He said he needed a minute.

Mina: He was there for longer than a minute! 

Uncle Lee: Mina, calm down. 

She huffed and leaned back in her chair while folding her arms across her chest. Mark was in the medical bay, getting treated by Ten for his shoulder.

Uncle Lee: I have sent another team to go redeem my base back in Canada, they're almost done. And Mark needs to learn how to cope on his own.

Mina: Uncle-

Uncle Lee: He's not thirteen anymore Mina. We're in a dangerous business. You could die tomorrow and then no one will be there to baby him like you do. He realises it too so he made the decision to take the next step on his own. I was not happy with it, but he's my nephew. I have something called a soft spot.

Mina: I... fine...

She said, sighing in defeat. The elder male nodded before sitting up as well.

Uncle Lee: I need you to go meet Jaehyun and Daeri.

Mina: What? Why?

Uncle Lee: They've helped us to extents. She saved you and potentially saved Mark. And so did Jaehyun. Give them our thanks. And then find out how she knew about Mark's attack in Brooklyn. 


Mina's feet thumped against her wooden floor in wait. They were late. Very very late. It was almost reaching an hour when she finally heard a knock on the door. She opened it and saw Jaehyun standing there, a hand running through his hair. 

Their eyes met and a silence passed between them before Mina tore her eyes away from him, moving so that he could enter. He did so and settled himself on her new couch. She threw the door close and took a seat on the chair opposite to him. 

Jaehyun: Nice couch. Where did you get it from?

Mina: Where's your sister? I called you both.

He frowned at her not answering his question.

Jaehyun: She has a deal and a meeting with my dad. 

Mina: And you're not there?

Jaehyun: He's mad at me for returning so early or whatever.

He mumbled while looking around her place before sitting up. 

Jaehyun: Right... so why did you call? Wouldn't think you did it because you miss me?

Mina: You're ridiculous. 

He gave her a cheeky smile and she rolled her eyes before continuing. 

Mina: Thanks... for saving Mark.

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