Chapter 1

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Ryujin POV

"You did what!" my best friend, Chaeryeong shouts in my ear. I swear this girl is gonna make me deaf.

"It's not such a big deal" I roll my eyes and she glares at me. Okay, so maybe it was a teeny weeny big deal. But all I did was dump a bucket of hot sauce on the head of the grumpy prefect.

"It is a big deal!" She whisper shouts as she catches people stare at us while walking down the halls. "You embarrassed her in front of the whole school!"

"You weren't even there" I brush it off. It was just a harmless prank like I pull on her all the time. She deserves it anyway.

Chaeryeong sighs. "When are you going to stop fighting with her, Ryujin?" She asks.

I groan and sit at my desk as we reach our classroom. "I don't fight with her, she fights with me!" I protest. She's the one always making my life miserable. I never even bothered her in the first place. She just suddenly decided to appear out of no where and tell me what to do, like she's the boss of me.

"Enough of this, please Ryu" she sighs. I try to protest once again but I stop when our vice-principal, Miss Sana, stomps in.

Chaeryeong and I glance at each other in confusion as Miss Sana scans the room. Her eyes fall on me.

"Miss Shin, please follow me" she says and heads out the door. The entire class stares at me. It's not like I haven't got in trouble before, they'll just give me another detention and I'll be on my way.

"Ryujin..." I turn to Chaeryeong.

"I'll be fine."

I leave the classroom and join Miss Sana outside.

"Yeji is at the principal's office, follow me." She begins walking and I follow her. The Hwang girl told on me again. When is she just gonna leave me alone? All I did was dump hot sauce on her and she acts like I killed her entire family.

We soon reach the familiar office I am always sent to because of Yeji. Miss Sana opens the door and I step inside. I spot Yeji blabbering away to the principal, Miss Jihyo. They stop and turn to me. Yeji stares at me expressionlessly and I feel like slapping her.

"Ryujin, come and take a seat" Miss Jihyo motions to the empty seat beside Yeji. I slowly sit and stare straight ahead at Miss Jihyo, avoiding the brunette's gaze completely.

"I'm sure you know why you've been called here, Ryujin" she asks. Yeah, I've been called because dumb Hwang can't keep her mouth shut.

"Yes" I answer simply and she continues. "I need you both to stop fighting. Our school has a high reputation and if anyone finds out about your meaningless feud at the inter-school sports match.."

Why is everyone making such a big deal out of nothing? It's just a bunch of harmless pranks. And why is Miss Jihyo so worried about the sports match that's after out 2 month break? I'm not so stupid that I'll pull pranks even then.

"Hello? Are you listening to me?" I snap out of my thoughts and nod. Yeji has been sitting quietly the entire time. I wonder why, I'm sure she's just itching to rat out everything I've done to her. But I guess she's already done it.

"I'm not going to give you detention, Ryujin. It's obviously not working." Miss Jihyo gets up and looks at some forms before handing them to us.

"What's this?" Yeji questions. Wow she finally spoke. I thought she was supposed to be super smart, can't she read or something? I look at the form but I feel too lazy to read it so I turn to Miss Jihyo and wait for her to answer.

"Glad you asked, Yeji. These are forms that must be signed by your parents so that you both can enter a volunteer camp during the 2 month break." Volunteer camp? Hwang asks before I can.

"Volunteer camp? What for?" Miss Sana gives us each a pamphlet which has multiple pictures of familiar beaches and schools. We look through them as Miss Jihyo continues. "I need you two to get along. Yeji, you're the prefect and most studious girl here. Ryujin, you're the star player in the basketball team. Our guests are going to expect you two to work together."

I fake gag. Me and Yeji? Work together? I'd much rather listen to Yuna brag about how amazing her photoshoots are. My 15 year old sister Yuna is a successful model under Seoul Arts. My parents are always ready to spend money on her and I wouldn't blame them since she makes a lot of money herself. I on the other hand do nothing but get in trouble. There's always gonna be a trouble maker when you have 4 siblings. Yuna talks a lot and even though I love her to bits she can get annoying sometimes. That's why she'd much rather talk to my older siblings, Beomgyu and Minjeong. I shake my head and stand up.

"There is no way I'm working with her for a day" I try to leave but Miss Sana stops me. "Who said anything about one day? You have to work with her for 2 months." Miss Jihyo says and Yeji stands up as well. "Miss Jihyo, you're not saying-"

"That's exactly what I'm saying." She cuts Hwang off. "You and Ryujin must work at this volunteer camp every day during this 2 month summer break. I've already booked a place for you to stay so that you won't be too far from the volunteer camp. All you need to do is get your parents to sign the forms." The room becomes silent.

2 months with Hwang? And we have to stay in the same place? I'm gonna jump of a cliff. "There's no way I'm doing that!" Yeji shouts and I nod. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree. We just can't get along!"

Miss Jihyo turns her back on us and whispers something to Miss Sana. She whispers back and Miss Jihyo nods. She turns to us. "I'm afraid you won't have a choice. I won't hesitate to suspend you both. I'm sure your father won't be happy about that, Ryujin." She says.

Wow, the whole world is out to get me. Punishing me by making me stay with Hwang? World, you've won. Yeji hesitates. "Miss Jihyo, isn't there anything else? Please don't make me stay with her." Classic Hwang, acting like the victim. God I hate her.

"Why are you saying it like I'm gonna kill you? You really can't stop playing the victim can you Hwang?" Her eyes twitch and she glares at me angrily. Students would normally melt under her glare saying she looks so called 'pretty' but she's not gonna win me. "Shut your fat mouth, Shin!"

I snicker. "Or what? Are you gonna send me to the principals office? Oh no I'm so scared." She looks ready to slap me but Miss Jihyo comes between us.

"Enough! This is what I meant by learning to get along! You two can't stay in the same room without fighting! You will be going to the volunteer camp and that is final!" Miss Jihyo leaves her office and Miss Sana follows, leaving the brat and I alone in the room.

She glares at me. "I hate you, Shin" she leaves the room and I roll my eyes. "No shit sherlock, I thought you loved me." I leave as well but go down the opposite hall.

I call in sick since I don't have the energy to face Ryeong and tell her what happened. I book a taxi and get down near Seoul Arts so that I can lie and say that I left school early to spend time with Yuna. As I wait I think about Yeji. How can one girl make my life so complicated? I look up at the sky.

"I hate you, Hwang Yeji."


This is my first time writing a Ryeji fic so I hope it will receive a lot of love from my fellow ryejists!


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