Chapter 2

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Ryujin POV 

I wander outside the campus for a while before texting Yuna.


~Yuna 🐰~

Hey when's ur photoshoot gonna end?

In another 10 mins. Why?

I'm here to pick u up

Ok I'll be down soon unnie


I'm going to take Yuna out for ice cream since it isn't fair to her that I always make up excuses when she makes plans to go out with me. Especially since now I'm going to have to cancel all the summer break plans Yuna arranged, all thanks to dumb Hwang.

I look around and spot a girl with bright red hair walking towards me happily. Why Yuna chose that hair colour? I have no idea but I'm not complaining, it suits her.

"Ryujin unnie!" She squeals and hugs me and I hug her back. Hugging her feels weird, since she is so much taller than me. Hashtag short people problems.

"How was your shoot, Yuna?" I ask her as soon as she breaks away.

"Great! I'm so happy that you're here!" She smiles and I take her hand as we begin to walk.

"How about we go out for ice cream?" I ask and her smile widens immediately.

"Yes! That will be great!" We walk the last few meters and reach the ice cream parlour that's near Seoul Arts. It isn't very crowded so we quickly make our orders and take a seat near the window.

"So, unnie." Yuna starts the conversation as she munches on her ice cream. "Why'd you suddenly decide to come today?"

"Cause I'm sorry I keep cancelling on you" I admit to her.

"Finally you've come to your senses!" She giggles.  Yuna is annoying but extremely cute and an easy going person. She's nice to talk to especially when I'm feeling frustrated.

I sigh loudly. "Yuna, I'm sorry but as much as I don't want to. We have to cancel our summer break plans."

Yuna's eyes widen and she looks disappointed. "What? Why? I thought you feel bad about cancelling on me all the time?"

"I do. But I don't have a choice" I state sombrely.

She doesn't look convinced and I can't blame her. I've made multiple excuses to not go out with her many times. "How so?" She asks.

I pull out my form from my backpack and hand it to her. As she scans through it I tell her. "I have to go to a volunteer camp with a girl named Hwang Yeji because-"

She suddenly cuts me off and looks excited. "With a girl? Is she your girlfriend or something?" She asks and my eyes widen in shock.

"Eew, Yuna. Of course not. She got me in trouble with our principal and I'll get suspended if we don't learn to get along or something like that." I quickly say and her smile drops.

"You got in trouble again?" She asks and I nod. "How many times are you gonna do this, unnie? We have to cancel our plans because you got in trouble."

"Come on Yuna don't be like that" I sigh and she shakes her head. "I don't care what you're gonna do, but we're not cancelling."

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