Chapter 24

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TW: violence, implied racism


"It's Thanksgiving!" Tennessee shouted while hitting on the door to Florida's room. He heard a groan from inside.

"Go away Tennessee!" Florida snapped. "I'm too tired to eat!"

Tennessee rolled his eyes. "We're not eating yet! Arthur wants us all up though!"

"Arthur isn't in charge of me!" Florida reminded his brother.

Tennessee sighed. "Alfred sided with him!"

"He doesn't know what he's doing!" Florida rebutted.

"No, for once he does!" Tennessee yelled, allowing anger to slip into his voice. "You've hardly left your room since you got back home and today is a Holiday! Now get the hell out here and have fun!" Tennessee kicked the door aggressively.

He heard shuffling from inside the room, then after a few seconds the door opened and there stood Florida, glaring at Tennessee. "Ricky, I am not in the mood."

Tennessee grabbed Florida by the arm and pulled him out of his room. "Well get in the mood. We're playing baseball with Anthony."

"New York wants to play baseball?" Florida groaned.

"Him and Kentucky both really wanted to play. A few others joined in and now we're going to join the game too." Tennessee said without looking back at Florida who he continued to pull through the halls.

"Where's dad and Arthur?" Florida asked.

Tennessee huffed through his nose. "Don't know. Doing adult things I guess."

They reached the backyard where Florida could see a makeshift baseball field had been made and several states were playing. Tennessee finally let go of Florida's arm though he kept up with following Tennessee along the baseball field until they stood in front of New York.

"Hey Anthony. We're playing." Tennessee said with a smile but New York was quick to look past him and at Florida.

Beside New York stood a dark skinned teen with black curly hair and light brown eyes. He wore a dark red vest over a white button up shirt with a light purple overcoat and brown pants. His smile was large as he leaned over and placed his elbow on New York's shoulder.

"Aww..." He cooed in Tennessee's and Florida's direction. "Let them play Anth! We can all bond."

They both glared at the boy though he didn't pay much mind. "I wasn't going to say no." New York grumbled. "Just play nice." he shrugged at them.

"I wasn't going to try to break your nose or something." Florida said, looking out at everyone else in the field. "Hey, where's Texas today?"

"Hunting." Tennessee told him.

"And he didn't invite us! Why are we stuck playing baseball?" Florida complained.

The dark skinned boy pushed past New York so that he was close to Florida. "Awe! Don't feel left out Florida! We've got your back!" He turned around to look at New York. "Don't we Anthony."

New York rolled his eyes but didn't respond, Florida on the other hand decided to speak. "Delaware. No offense, but I still hate you."

Delaware threw his head back to laugh. "Oh! That's fine!" He waved off Florida's annoyance. "I'm used to it." Then he grabbed Florida by the cheek and leaned close to baby him. "I still love all my siblings! Even if you did try to kill me a few times."

"You're being spiteful." Florida observed only to have Tennessee elbow him and lean down to whisper to Florida.

"Just smile and nod." He gave Delaware a strained look with a clear message as he took his own advice repeating to Florida. "Smile and nod..."

They began to play baseball and played a few rounds but as they played Florida noticed that every chance they got the northern states would try to hit him in the face with a ball. After them succeeding a few times his anger grew until finally he threw his baseball glove on the ground in a fit anger as a new bruise was forming on his forehead. Tennessee ran over to him quickly.

"Flo what-" Tennessee was cut off as Florida began to yell.

"You're doing that on purpose." He pointed angrily at New York who had been the one to deliver the ball that time.

New York dropped the bat he was holding and casually strolled over. "You can't possibly think I'm that immature." He groaned and Florida rolled his eyes.

"No, I don't think. I know." He continued to jab his pointer finger in New York's chest. "That's the fifth time I've been hit!"

"Maybe the ball just likes you!" Delaware called out cheerfully and though Florida didn't look at him Tennessee did, giving Delaware a look of suspicion as he inched closer to Florida and pulled up a strained smile like before.

Everyone was silent for a tense moment until a boy with light brown hair that was slicked back under a straw hat stepped up to speak. He had brown eyes and wore a short sleeve red button up shirt and dark blue pants. "Hey" He began. "I know it's been tense and all but maybe we should all sit down and take a breather. No need to fight on Thanksgiving and-" He was cut off as Florida snapped at him.

"Oh can it Kentucky!" He yelled but kept his eyes on New York who was giving him the same treatment.

"No, Florida." New York disagreed. "James is right. You should go sit down."

"Actually I meant we should all-" Kentucky tried to clarify but was cut off again.

"Why me!?" Florida yelled. "I'm not the one trying to hit people with baseballs! Aren't we supposed to be brothers!?"

New York scoffed but Delaware, realizing this was actually a serious argument, tried to step in, his cheerful smile turning into a nervous one. "Oh Florida, we're brothers through everything! Dad always says-"

Delaware was then cut off by New York. "You don't act like any brother of mine!" Everyone standing around gasped and Florida looked absolutely livid.

Tennessee moved around Florida and closer to Kentucky "James." He got the older boy's attention. "Run inside and get Alfred."

Kentucky nodded and turned to run inside hearing the sounds of someone getting hit and a few states yelling as he booked it.

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