Chapter 25

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TW: violence, implied racism, mentions of blood


Delaware's first memory was of the woods. The trees looked bigger to him then than they do now but it was actually because he was much smaller. He stepped out of the forest and right into a field, from there he could see a road that led from a port by the ocean up to a town where people busied themselves.

He looked to the side, toward the sea and there by the trees was a young man. Delaware remembered feeling put at ease by the man's presence. The man's back was to Delaware and he didn't seem to notice the boy at all so Delaware went to get the man's attention, moving closer to him and grabbing him by the pant leg he gave a little tug.

The man looked down at Delaware and brought so many feelings with his stare. His eyes were blue and lively; like jumping waters that asked you if you want to go on an adventure, his hair was blonde and swayed in the wind like a dancing wheat field asking for you to join in on their games and when he smiled at you you could taste the sweetness of warm apple pie on a nice spring day.

"Hello there!" He said to the boy and leaned down closer to him and Delaware could recognize home within the man. "Who are you?" He asked.

"I am Delaware." The boy said though he didn't understand how he knew the answer.

With the answer the man looked taken back, slightly surprised and for a moment fearful as he glanced up towards the town but was quick to put on a reassuring smile. "Oh, I am America." America kept glancing around them and Delaware felt a spark of fear as he realized that America was on guard for something. "You can call me Alfred though. Want to come to my house?"

Alfred reached down and scooped Delaware up even though Delaware hadn't answered the question yet. It was like he was suddenly in a rush as he began to move past the town but showed he was clearly avoiding going through it as he went out of his way to remain in the field.

In Alfred's arms Delaware could smell the sea sault of a beach mixed with the moist dirt of the mountains and a sweet scent of chocolate, past that Delaware didn't remember caring for what made Alfred afraid or for where Alfred was taking him, past that Delaware knew that Alfred was home and that he would be safe.

Other memories Delaware had were so peaceful, so normal that though they felt special to Delaware he knew they were hardly unique. He could recall meeting new siblings, watching Alfred try to cook dinner for them all, being taught to read and write.

He could see clearly in his mind the first time he got stung by a bee. He could see he and his siblings skipping rocks at a lake, Alfred wanting to teach them how to fish and he could hear himself being scolded for poor posture as he sat at the dinner table.

Their house was always loud and lively but very simple and pleasant. They went to town as rarely as Alfred could make it and were told to stay close to him at all times and to do exactly as they were told and they all did. In their home Alfred always had something for them to do... books to read, instruments to learn, new things to bake. They were never bored. They were never hungry. They were hardly ever scared.

At some point Delaware noticed something. He made people uncomfortable. His siblings acted like he was odd, some clearly looked down on him and Alfred, who he came to call "dad", always acted particularly protective of Delaware. When in town Alfred worked hard to block him from view of humans and whenever Alfred stressed the importance of staying away from the humans to them all Delaware got the feeling that Alfred was mostly stressed about him.

He was physically the age of 13 when he asked his dad "Are you ashamed of me?" and Alfred looked particularly dismayed by the accusation.

"Of course not." He said. "Why would you think that I am?"

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