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In 2014, the town was struck by a series of gruesome murders, leaving 10 victims in its wake. Each victim met a horrific end, with their bodies discovered in different locations and killed by various murder weapons. Let's delve into the details of each victim:

1. Jack Mill, a 31-year-old male, was the first victim. He was found dead on the bathroom floor, with a kitchen knife as the murder weapon. Jack suffered a fatal blow to the head using the corner of the bathtub, followed by 70 brutal stabbings to the chest and neck.
2. Andrea Smith, a 16-year-old female, was the second victim. Her lifeless body was discovered near a lake, and the murder weapon used was a baseball bat. Andrea was brutally beaten in the head with the bat and subjected to rape and assault.
3. Theresa March, a 61-year-old female, met her demise inside Classroom 159. The murder weapon in this case was a katana. Theresa suffered a fatal blow to the head and had numerous unidentified stab wounds on her body. Additionally, she had two missing legs and five missing fingers on her left hand.

The investigation took a haunting turn when a note written in the victim's blood was found at the scene of Theresa's murder. The note chillingly stated, "THREE PERSON DOWN, SEVEN MORE TO GO." This revelation left the investigators pondering the motive and the identity of the killer.

Detectives Joel and Sergeant William, who were part of the investigation, discussed their findings and theories. They suspected that the killer had a specific target of killing these ten individuals but were uncertain about who would be next.

The following day, the fourth victim, Johnson May, a 23-year-old male, was found dead in the park. His body had been mutilated, with body parts separated and missing. The murder weapon used in this gruesome act was a chainsaw.

Officer Alloina, another member of the investigative team, received information about the fourth victim and an update from Sergeant William. The note found at the crime scene indicated, "4 PERSON DOWN, 6 PERSON MORE TO GO." Determined to catch the killer, Alloina swore to bring justice to the victims.

To gather more evidence, Alloina rushed to the crime scene, only to discover the horrifying aftermath. Body parts were missing, but the head was found, except for the tongue. Alloina also encountered a CCTV camera and decided to seek assistance at the park station to review the footage.

At the park station, Alloina requested access to the CCTV footage to aid in the investigation. The footage revealed the face of the killer, causing a mix of anger and determination to overcome Alloina. The sight was so disturbing that even the night guard couldn't bear to watch.

After ensuring the guard's safety, Alloina returned to retrieve the evidence and informed Sergeant William of the crucial discovery. However, unknown to them, Sergeant William had other plans in mind. Upon receiving the evidence, he decided to destroy it, concealing his involvement in the murders.

Alloina finally arrived back at the station and handed the evidence over to Sergeant William. With suspicion growing, Sergeant William watched the footage, confirming that they had indeed found the killer. Meanwhile, Alloina's eagerness to witness the killer's demise remained unchecked.

As tension mounted, Alloina and Sergeant William prepared for the next steps in the investigation. The final moments leading up to the confrontation with the killer were filled with anticipation and a desire for justice to be served.

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