11. Year 11: Lotus Pier

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"I should find you a husband," Jiang WanYin looked at her appraisingly. "Despite Xie ChanJuan's denials that you are her granddaughter, the resemblance is uncanny."

"She is not my grandmother," Xie An lied. "I have no interest in marrying at the moment." She had just turned twenty-six; there was no need to marry at such a young age when she ostensibly had no assets, and no family. As Wen ChaoXing, she wasn't ready to take her rightful place yet. A husband could wait until she had solidified her position as Wen ZongZhu.

Jiang WanYin frowned and started pacing around his desk. "We have to do something to protect you." He looked at the letters littering his desk. "Seven marriage proposals this month. And two more kidnapping attempts." He stopped pacing and gave her a long look. "I suppose you're smart enough?"

"For what, ZongZhu?"

"Congratulations upon becoming my newest advisor."

Being an official advisor was not as prestigious as she'd thought. "You will stay quiet and listen," she'd been instructed. During council meetings, every time she opened her mouth to make a point or ask a question, she'd been shushed. "Your place right now is to listen and remember and think. Not to speak." "Listen and learn," she was told over and over. "You're too young to know much about how a sect is run."

It was annoying.

At least teaching the juniors was fulfilling. "Everyone in the water," she demanded of the group of ten and eleven year olds. "First marker and back."

"It's cold," one of them whined.

"You're in your winter swimwear. Water ghouls don't politely wait for the water to warm up. Go."

They grumbled; they were children, of course they complained. She stood on the dock next to the swimming lane and analyzed their abilities, making mental notes on what needed to be worked on. "Up on the dock," she commanded when all of her students were back on shore. "Dive. Underwater to the first marker. Swim back." Again, she watched their dive forms; at such a young age, few had sufficient power in their legs to spring them properly. Most of them had their legs spread too wide mid-dive, and all had their hands in the wrong position by the time they hit the water. She sighed, upset. They'd spent most of the summer working on stamina and dive positions; they were acting like the cold weather was permission to regress.

The rest of the lesson was spent fixing their dive position. She sent them off to dry off, change into their regular clothing, and get warm. "Drink lots of tea, and then meditate. Go."

"You're a good teacher," a soft voice complimented her.

Xie An steeled herself, turned and bowed to the Lan sect leader. "This disciple greets Lan ZongZhu. I was not aware you would be making a visit today."

He was especially gorgeous this morning, dressed in a fur lined white cloak over a light blue outfit. "I apologize, Xie Guniang. I was visiting Jin GuangYao in Koi Tower earlier. He was preparing to make a trip here with young Jin Ling; I decided to join."


He seemed taken back at her bluntness, eyes opening wider in mild shock or annoyance, but he still smiled gently. "I also have some matters to discuss with Jiang WanYin; they are not urgent, but...." He shrugged, and her stomach shrugged right along with him.

On the shore, Wang Zheng stood, very still, face completely blank. "My apologies, Lan ZongZhu." She bowed again. "My friend is waiting; we have our own swim test today. Please excuse me; I don't want to be late."

"You have to participate in the swim test, too?" He followed her off the dock.

"All Jiang disciples and employees must prove their abilities in the cold. WangXiong? Shall we?" She was aware that the Lan sect leader was following her, still.

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