13. Year 13: the Burial Mounds

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How did we get here?

She knew what happened, mostly. Perhaps the question should not be 'how' but 'why'.

She had been grading night hunt reports when Jiang Zongzhu stormed into his office, swearing loudly, Zidian flashing purple. "He's back!" The sect leader had snarled once the swearing abated.


"Do you remember a Jin cultivator named Mo XuanYu? He's one of Jin GuangShan's bastards."

"No." She honestly didn't remember the vast majority of the Jin sect members; they really weren't worth knowing for the most part. Lecherous and corrupt like their previous sect leader or slimy and conniving like the current.

"Jin Ling and I ran into him when we were hunting down a soul eater." This was followed by another stream of swearing. "He... anyway, Mo XuanYu was thrown out for being inappropriate and his cultivation is poor."

"His cultivation is poor and he was also hunting a soul eater? Was he looking to be its next victim?" She tried to make the atmosphere in the office a bit lighter.

"It wasn't a soul eater: it was a primitive stone goddess. Jin Ling joined up with a bunch of other juniors to fight it. Lan juniors for the most part." He didn't spit on the wooden floor; she was convinced he would have if they were standing on a dirt path, though. "Lan WangJi was there, too." She still didn't understand his relationship with the Lan heir. There was almost a grudging half sense of respect, sort of, for the other's fighting abilities. But... there was also, perhaps, a tinge of jealousy, and more than a hint of outright hatred combined with indifference. They rarely interacted during discussion conferences.

Those interactions usually consisted of Jiang ZongZhu trying to glare a hole through Lan WangJi's head and HanGuang-Jun pointedly staring past Jiang WanYin as if he wasn't there.

"Mo XuanYu played a bamboo flute and called the Ghost General."

"Ghost General? Wen QiongLin? But..." But he died over a decade ago. The Jin burned him and his sister.

"Wen Ning," Jiang WanYin agreed and tried to punch his fist through a wall. "I whipped him with Zidian, but he didn't leave."

"You whipped the Ghost General?"

"No. I whipped Mo XuanYu!"

She silently mouthed, 'you whipped Mo XuanYu and he didn't leave.' It didn't make sense. How could he leave? Being whipped must have knocked him unconscious for a long time since you said his cultivation is poor. "So... Mo XuanYu is back? Did his cultivation improve so greatly that it's upsetting?"

"Who the fuck said anything about that bastard returning? I said 'he's back'. Not 'Mo XuanYu's back'. No one cares about that Jin bastard. He's a piss poor cultivator and a cut sleeve. Not even worth Jin GuangYao getting worked up over as a potential challenger to lead the Jin. How could he call Wen Ning? Who'd worry about him?"

"I'm confused." If Mo XuanYu didn't call the Ghost General, then why did Jiang ZongZhu say he did?

"Wei. Wu. Xian." Jiang WanYin enunciated. "He's back." He punched the wall again, leaving behind a fist sized dent.

"Yiling Laozu?" Wei Chianbei? Back? How? What?


"I tried to whip him out of his host body. It's not possession. I don't know what it is, but it's definitely him in that other body."

"You're sure?" Of course he was sure. They'd been good friends for years. Practically brothers. The Twin Prides of Yunmeng. No one knew Wei WuXian like Jiang WanYin did.

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