Kindness Unbound

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In a realm where hearts beat strong and true, 

Kind souls flourish, their spirits anew. 

Yet amid this beauty, toxic shadows lie, 

Whispering deceit under a charming sky.

Toxic chaps, with their venomous tongues, 

Drown kindness in a sea where innocence runs. 

They craft illusions with a deft hand, But beneath it all, darkness expands.

Kind souls, adorned with love so pure, 

Deserve far more than toxicity's allure. 

For in their eyes, a universe beams, 

Untouched by falsehoods or shattered dreams.

Cut off the chains that toxic souls weave, 

Embrace the freedom kind hearts achieve. 

In solitude's embrace, find peace anew, 

Letting toxic ties vanish from view.

For kind souls are treasures, rare and bright, 

Their value not judged by a toxic night. 

So let them shine, unburdened and free, 

In a world where goodness is destiny.


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