Chapter 3

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The whole room erupted into laughter, and I could feel the embarrassment creeping in.

The guy looked at me with a mix of surprise and amusement, but he was also giving me intense death stares like he was about to murder me.

“Alright,” he said with a shrug. “Let’s do it.”

I hadn’t really thought this through. My clothes were completely drenched, and wanted to get out of them, however his could be a little too baggy on me.

But a dare was a dare, and backing out now would only add to the humiliation, and I wasn't one to give up.

We both stood up, and Stella immediately came to the rescue. “Come on, let’s find a private spot for you two to change.”

She led us to a small bathroom down the hall. Him and I awkwardly shuffled in, and I turned my back to give him some semblance of privacy.

“Here,” He said, slipping off his hoodie and handing it to me. I could hear the rustle of his clothes as he undressed, and I felt my face heat up.

A little sneak peak wouldn't hurt right?

I had barely turned my head to look, and saw his exposed muscled back when she immediately noticed, without even taking a glance at me, "like what you see?"

He caught me off guard and I may have gasped a little, "don't flatter yourself, I was gonna give you my top."

I wasn't actually gonna give him my top - I haven't even undressed.

I quickly took it off and gave it to him before he would get more suspicious. “Thanks,” He mumbled, taking his now dry pants from him. “This is...weird.
"You're telling me". I tried to ignore the fact that he was practically naked infront of me, wearing my tank top that look like a bra on him, and my sweatpants that were so tight on his legs.

Honestly I feel bad for him, but ignored it enjoying the warmth of his clothes.

When we finished changing and headed back to the group, who erupted into cheers and laughter as we emerged. Stella gave me a thumbs-up, and Marina was practically rolling on the floor with laughter.

“Nice one, Hazel!” Paige called out. “That was hilarious.”

I forced a smile, but I couldn’t help feeling a little exposed. My new neighbour, apparently, on the other hand, seemed to be even more uncomfortable as I was. He sat back down next to me, his face turning a concerning color of red.

Wait a second.

He's a shy one.



The next morning, I woke up with a sense of dread. The events of the previous night played on a loop in my head, making me cringe.

First, there was the almost-death experience, which I was pretty sure I had narrowly avoided, and then I came face-to-face with my potential kidnapper at a party hosted by one of my friends?

On top of that, I switched clothes with him, and was still wearing them

I fell asleep right after coming home, quit the judging!

It seemed impossible he would be the same guy from school, since at the party he was so quiet and shy but how can someone who seems so calm break into school, yet there was a part of me that was certain. I couldn't be completely sure it was him, but deep down, I knew. There was just no way it wasn't.

Despite my best efforts, I couldn't get him out of my mind. Not even the distraction of watching Mamma Mia!

And yet, despite the fact that he'd nearly given me a heart attack the previous night, I didn't feel afraid of him while undressing in the same room. Not one bit. It was strange, and awkward though.

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