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Garrus Vakarian X Fem.Shep X Nihlus kyrik (Lemon, Sharing, Bond pairing, ect.) (AU/No Reapers, Shepard is retired/ working with c-sec/ still a Spectre, but she's on the down low.)

Today had been mediocre at best, as I had spent a total of four hours filling reports, and completing questionnaires. A part of me languished in the slow paced work, longing for the old days aboard the Normandy; a sharp pain running along the skin of my back reminds me why I gave up that life.

-about five years ago-

As the newly ordained "Humanity's First Spectre", I had been sent deep into the traverse, tracking smugglers that doubled as slavers; these deviants had apparently taken someone very important to the turians hostage- another spectre, one of the best I was told.

This spirits forsaken planet was nauseous, the local flora akin to mushrooms, but the sky- the star was distant, yet blue; the stars pierced the deep lilac of the sky, nebula visible during the day cycle. Three lunar bodies adorned it, each a different size and coloration. Being sentimental, I quietly took a photo of the scenery with my Omni-tool, discreetly of course.

As I lead my team down the newly carved path in the plants, my gut sank at the sight that met us past the brush. Rubble was scattered about, as the building they belonged to was barely standing. Something felt off at our approach, as I scanned the area, I noticed strange markings in the soil, deep ruts, in and arching motion- like something came out of the ground.

Merc bodies liter the site, as we proceed into the ruin- the earth shook, only for a few seconds before settling. We proceeded anyway, priority being the spectre and his livelihood. There were several slaves that were trapped or pinned in the debris- freeing those that we could, we moved efficiently.

Soon, we found the spectre, Saren Arterius; who had taken advantage of whatever had collapsed the building, turning on his captors, defeating them in hand to hand combat.

Once we were rounding the hallway to exit, the ground shook so vigorously the foundation began to groan. I shouted with command- surprising the turian spectre- as we hurried away from the building; but this was possibly the worst decision I had made.

The ground erupted, cutting off our escape, and before I could see what even attacked us, a greenish fluid came from above, landing over my chest, with such volume as to cover my back as well.

I got to the side quickly, tears forming from the agonizing burn, I stripped the armor off in but a moment, working with the dissolving exo suit to pry it from my melting flesh.

My team had gotten most of it though - they lay dead under the creature. A giant thresher maw, ghastly things.

I readied my shotgun, preparing to attempt to bring the wrym down. Yet, as I lean out of cover, I'm met by an amazing sight; spectre Arterius, singlehandedly killing a thresher maw- quite an interesting employment of frag grenades and stasis. The beast exploded basically, but was contain in the stasis.

I was impressed but my mind had no room for that, as even though I prevented the burn from spreading- it was quite large in its self. I stumble forward into the metal crate I'd been hiding behind.

Sarens eyes turned to me.


A blaring ping from my Omni-tool broke the depth of my thoughts, as I realized it was the end of my shift.

I closed my holo interface, and tucked my data pad into the drawer of my desk. Getting up from my seat, I turned to the door, only to see Garrus coming in from his rounds. The knot that was in my chest from painful memories eased away immediately- he just had that effect on me.

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