Blind Date

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Remember Ogrinn? From Afterlife?

"I'm tired of watching you get drunk," kasumi said from behind me, "you're so lonely Jane, let me set you up with someone."

The idea tickled my ear, and I thought about it, drunken expression reflecting in the bottom of my glass, "why not?" I shrugged sliding the glass away from me.

Turning to kasumi, "just, no humans or asari please, I've had enough of them to last me two lifetimes."

She nodded, eyes glinting in a familiar way, "don't worry Shep, I know just the guy."

An uneasy feeling settled in my gut, I knew I'd regret this later, but oh well.

"Johkerr," I slurred, smashing the com button.

"Yes, commander?" The pilot replied, amusement clear in his voice.

"Set a course for Omega, tell the crew it's time for some shore leave."

"You got it."

Kasumi patted my shoulder fondly.

"So just who is this guy?" I said, attempting to feign annoyance.

"You'll see, I promise you'll like him." She snickered, a smile playing on her lips.


Upon arrival, kasumi had me strapped into a tight blood colored cocktail dress, complete with a slutty push up bra and pumps.

"I'm surprised you know how to walk in heels Shepard," tali giggled, handing me my side arm, "just in case," she reassured me.

"Believe it or not, my mom used to have me in pageants."

Kasumi gasped mello dramatically, "no way."

"What is a Peggant?" Tali asked, confused.

"Pageant, Tali. And I'll explain later."

And with a small laugh, kasumi pushed me out the docking door.


The man is waiting for you by the bar of lower afterlife. Hes dressed in crimson. Good luck.


I smiled down at my omni tool before climbing the stairs that led to Afterlife.

The Batarian bouncer waved me in past the line of angry and impatient people; eliciting a grumble of complaints, "what?! Your gonna let that bitch in? Come on, Aria is waiting for me."

"If Aria were waiting for you, you'd be in there already." The bouncer growled as I strode past.

"Thanks Smokey, see ya in a bit." I said with a laugh.


The last time I had been in lower afterlife, I had been poisoned, by the bartender no less; I took care of that problem, making the batarian asshole drink his own poison.

Confident I wouldn't be poisoned this time round, I was unsure of what this night would accomplish as I trotted down the stairs.

Shaking my head, I stopped before the doorway; I took my hair out of its holder, sending a cascade of red tumbling down my shoulders.

Might as well pull out the charm.

Rounding the corner, the bar opened to my eyes, a new bartender leaned against the blue counter, a grey skinned salarian. Not to far from the bartender, stood a male turian, dressed in crimson; he leaned over the bar as I approached, supple hindquarters proudly on display.

"I've never seen a turian with an actual ass before," I announced my presence as I stood next to him.

As I approached the man, he let out a sudden and boisterous laugh. His amusement was directed at me, and I couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious. "I don't think I've ever met a human with an actual sense of humor before," he said, still chuckling. "You must be Jane." I couldn't help but feel relieved at his words, grateful that he found me amusing. He then extended his three-fingered hand, which I eagerly grasped and shook. "My name is Ogrinn," he said, still grinning from our exchange.

"Well, one of us is apparently better informed," I waved the salarian over, pointing to the counter space in front of me.

"Look, Jane," ogrinn leaned his shoulder into mine, "I've got a ship and a mate, I only brought one to omega. What do you say to skipping the small talk and heading straight for the docking bay?"

"Damn not even gonna buy me a drink, huh?" I laughed, watching as the bartender pulled out a bottle of brandy, "No. No. No. Not that. Give me your best ryncol."

The salarian looked slightly afraid, but changed his choice of bottles nonetheless.

"I've got everything we need on the ship babe trust me." His subvocals dripped with invitation.

Taking my shot of ryncol, I laughed at the bartender for a moment, "Don't shit your pants, I'm okay, see?" The guy nodded and I gave him the glass, "fine, let's go; I hate this club anyway."

Ogrinn flared his mandibles out proudly in a cocky smirk, offering me his arm; which I of course excepted.

As we made our way towards his ship, I couldn't help but admire its striking beauty. The interiors were adorned in a captivating blend of red, black, and silver, making it a sight to behold. Once we boarded the ship, he ushered me towards a cozy sitting area, where he turned on some soothing music. I watched as he deftly opened a cubby, revealing two exquisite-looking flasks.

"Kasumi mentioned to me that you have been experiencing a lot of stress lately, and it seems like you could use some help easing that tension. Would you be interested in some relaxation techniques? I could show you a few methods that might help you feel more at ease." As he hands over the drink, his voice takes on a slightly sultry tone as he adds, "Or, if you prefer, I have some *other* methods in mind that might help you forget all about your troubles. Do you catch my drift?"

"I appreciate you trying to water down the bluntness, yes I get where you're going with this. And just like you said, let's cut to the chase, hmm? Why don't you come show me what else that mouth on you can do, hmm?" I smirked downing the liquor he'd given to me; his expression was slightly surprised, mostly some kind of cocky smirk I'm sure.

"Yeah?" He purrs, finishing his drink, pulling me up, grabbing me by the rear and hoisting me onto his chest- he carries me deeper into his ship, before tossing me onto his bed roughly- nearly tearing my clothes with sharpened talons.

"I could get used to this," I say with a renewed smile, watching as he draws nearer - like a predator closing in on its prey. Ogrinn, with his lithe form, purrs audibly as he reaches the edge of the bed, his plated body easily towering over mine. 

As his face leans closer to mine, I feel his warm breath caressing my flushed skin. I can sense his teeth lightly brushing against my earlobe as he whispers in his deep, velvety baritone, "Maybe we should do this more often, hmm?" The sound of his voice reverberates through my body, sending a shiver down my spine at his suggestion. 

A single talon traces along the opposite side of my jaw, tracing the line of my jawbone from my earlobe to the hinge of my jaw. It slides down the apex of my throat to the low-cut collar of my dress, threatening to slice the fabric. As it nears the top of my cleavage, his emerald eyes swirl with desire and a hint of something primal.

What a memorable night.

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