Part 4: The Breakdown

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Screams. He could hear the screaming. It sounded familiar, like he'd heard it before. Mom? It overwhelmed him, emitting from what seemed to be in every direction, coming from the surrounding darkness. He wanted to help her. Wanted to save her from her terrible fate...but he could nothing except clutch at the void helplessly.

A female voice shattered the darkness, booming into his ears.

"Daniel! Daniel, you've got to wake up! Please!"

A violent rumbling shook him and he fell deeper and deeper into the bottomless pit that suddenly tore open the ground beneath him. His silent screams echoed and rang out, no ears around to hear them.

Daniel suddenly stirred awake with a jolt and a cold sweat, an alarm blared throughout the vault endlessly.

"Daniel! Come on, get up! You have to get out of here!"

Daniel shifted his body to where the voice came from, and saw Amata looking at him worryingly, with tears in her eyes.

"Amata? Babe, what's wrong?! Did Butch do something? Why's there an alarm blaring?"

"Daniel, my father's gone insane! He's issued a lockdown of the whole vault!"

"What?! Why?!"

"You didn't know? Daniel...your dad, he...he left the vault!"

"Wh-what?! Left the vault? That's impossible! Nobody can do that!"

"It's true, he left an hour ago! Please, you have to get up, my father sent the entire security force to find you! He thinks you helped your dad escaped!"

"I fucking knew he had it out for me! What about Jonas?!"

Amata's eyes widened and looked down shakily.


", don't you FUCKING tell me they...that they..."

"Daniel...I'm so, so sorry...they just kept beating him...Officer Mack was...he just wouldn't stop!"

Daniel tried to fight back the tears, the loss of his friend wounding him, Amata became only a hazy, blurred figure as the tears welled. She embraced him, so he didn't suffer alone. With a shaky voice and a burning rage, he whispered into her ear,

"I need to get outta here...find my Dad. No matter what...Amata? I need your help...please. You're the only one I can trust right now."

Amata parted and looked at him, nodding quickly.

"Of course...I know a way out to the vault's exit. There's an underground tunnel in my father's office, he barely uses it. It leads all the way to the vault's door, the only things you need are the key to his office and the password for the tunnel."

"Where do I find those?"

"I may be able to talk him into giving them up. If not, then you may have to take them by force...but please, whatever you do...don't kill him."

"I promise...I just need to find Dad. Thank you Amata..."

Amata hugged him once more and kissed him on the lips, the saliva mixed with their tears as they dripped down caused it to taste bitter and salty, but also sweet and sugary at the same time...

They separated and breathed heavily.

"If you get to the vault before me, don't wait. Just go...Good luck....and just in case, I stole my father's pistol. I hope to god you won't need it, but if you do...stay safe, alright?"

" take it. I can handle myself. You need it more than me."

"Are you sure? There's Radroaches everywhere and the guards'll be gunning for you...and what if...what if you end up like Jonas?"

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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