Is it really heaven?

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I slowly fluttered my eyes open, trying to adjust the brightness. I don't know where I am.

it shines so bright in here, I only see a white surrounding. I'm confused wasn't I on a bridge seconds ago?

I noticed I was surrounded by white and pink roses, I'm laying on a white/pink rose field.
I was somewhere in nowhere.

The light looks so beautiful and those perfect, pretty smooth, like pillow looking clouds, were slowly dragging away from me.

I observed the sky, staring at the moon, which you could see even if it was day. I'm absolutely drowning in this place.

I stretched out my hand into the air, stroked over the outlines of the clouds with my fingertips.

This feels like a dream.
Am I asleep? But if I'm asleep, why does this feels so real?

After a while I tried to stand up but I couldn't.
I tried it again, but something pushes me into the ground. It's like a heavy thing lays on my tummy. I can't move a single muscle.
Am I Dead?

I closed my eyes again, only listening to the beautiful sounds of the wind and the moving roses beside my ear. I took a sniff into the air, the flowers smell so beautiful too.

I tried to move again, but I couldn't, I was laying on my back, surrounded by roses and daisies.

If this is a dream, I never wanna wake up again.

After a while of only laying on the ground and listening to my surroundings, I felt a presence in front of me, staring at me.

I fluttered my lashes and opened my eyes again, to take a peek at the person.

I couldn't see their face, it was too bright. I felt them laying down beside me.

They didn't say a word, only sharing they presence with me. I was curious but I stayed quiet.

I listened to their soft breath it was so quiet that I actually thought they fell asleep.

I slightly leaned over the person to see their face.

The next thing shocked me. The person didn't had a face. It looked stunning but without a unique flawless face.

Maybe I'm really just dreaming. I laid down into the grass again, closing my eyes.


I'm so sorry, Ik that this chapter was short but I didn't had enough time to write more💗💗 I promise I update soon!!🤍 MWUAH LOVE YA

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