Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Almost as soon as Castiel dropped the heavy bomb of his words of Dean's future responsibility, he vanished.

"What the hell?" Dean exclaimed, startled and overwhelmed.

"He does that a lot." Ivanna shrugged lightly, her gaze dropping to Bobby's sleeping body. "You'll get used to it." Her eyes lifted to look into Dean's bewildered gaze.

"I don't want to get used to that, Ivanna." He spoke harshly, taking a threatening step towards her.

"Well, Dean, we all had to do things we didn't want to do." Ivanna spoke just as harshly, almost snarling as she took her own step closer to him.

"And what exactly did you do? Hmm, Ivanna?"

"I already told you-"

"No! No, you didn't." He swiped his hand in front of his body, physically cutting off her words. "You haven't told me shit. Just speaking in riddles. Expecting me to understand." He brought a finger and pressed it against his temple harshly before dropping it at his side, his whole body deflating at the action. "But I don't. Ivanna...I'm so lost and confused and I just need you to be straight with me for once. Please."

Ivanna's glare melted away, sympathy overtaking her features. She could see the fear and the pain in his eyes, see the way his shoulders were tense. She looked down at Bobby once more before twisting her wrist, looking down at her watch.


It was almost four in the morning. She knew it would be a couple of hours before Bobby woke from Castiel's sleep touch. So, she sighed and nodded slightly as she looked at him,

"Alright. I'll tell you everything. You might want to get comfy." As she spoke, she crossed her legs and sat on the concrete floor. Dean quickly followed suit, with his back leaned against one of the table legs. He had one legs out and one pulled in, his elbow resting on it. Ivanna took a long, slow look at him, her eyes trailing up from his shoes to his head, stopping as she saw his sea-green eyes. "Are you sure you want to know everything?"

"Every detail." Dean confirmed with a singular nod of his head. Ivanna blew out a breath and slowly recounted the events from when he was gone, starting with the very moment she woke up to see his dead body. She distanced herself from her emotions as she spoke, able to keep her voice strong and unwavering.

She told him about Castiel and when she first met him, about his offer to train her, and her accepting it. His eyes widened as she explained how her powers expanded with his help.

But when he asked how exactly she saved him, she found herself telling him a lie. She knew his mind had been expanded way past his original belief system for one night. Knew that he wouldn't be able to take anymore. So, she kept the story light, glossing over the truth and putting most of the saving on Castiel. Dean took it willingly, his mind and body too exhausted to see through her.

When she finished recalling her events to him, almost four hours had passed. Bobby was finally beginning to stir awake. Both hunters quickly rushed to his side, helping him stand and bombarding him with questions of if he was alright.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Would you both get off of me?" He flung his arms up in an attempt to make them drop their hold on him. His words worked, both quickly stepping back with their gaze sheepish.

"Are you sure you're alright, Bobby?" Dean asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Best damn sleep I've had in years. Yeah, I think I'm good." Bobby rolled his eyes at his pestering companions. He rolled his neck out before looking down at his watch, seeing the time being almost eight in the morning. "Aww, hell. We gotta get back before Sam freaks."

Salvation - Dean Winchester حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن