26 - Twenty - Six - Ambrose Grayson's Point Of View.

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Vibrating with anger, I tried my hardest not to be as angry as I was. But Marco was gone when I came home, and someone else was babysitting Wren. Not Romeao. I should have known when he wanted to fool around a week ago that he was testing the limits of what his body could handle. Instead, I ignored the red flag and now he was out working when he should rest still. He wasn't at all healed enough. Six to eight weeks was not enough to heal properly.

"You can leave, I've got Wren." I said to the enforcer, but he just smiled at me.

"I would love to leave early, but I can't. Marco asked me to stay until he got back himself so that you can rest after work."

"Oh." I said, biting my tongue so I wasn't rude to this man since it wasn't his fault Marco wasn't home. Heading to the bedroom, I opened the door, and my things cluttered the space. Looking around the room, I was a little more annoyed now. Why the hell was my stuff here?

The enforcer was on the couch, his phone in his hand, when I came out, and he looked at me.

"Excuse me, do you by chance know when Marco brought my things here, and where the rest of things went?" I asked.

"Marco had a few of us pack your things under his supervision last night, and he brought everything here. I believe most of your things are still in the garage."

"There's a garage?" I asked, having never actually seen it.

"Yes. There's a three-car garage behind the house with a loft above it."

"Well. That's news to me. But then, I haven't even seen the backyard." I said and turned back around to head back to the bedroom. Going around all my things, I laid in the bed beside Mochi after stripping down to my boxers and one of Marco's shirts.

I felt giddy about Marco bringing my things here, but at the same time, that scarred me. What if I messed up and had nowhere to go if he made me leave? Snuggling into Marco's pillow, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. My long night was finally catching up with me.

Marco coming through the door sometime later was enough to wake me up, and the anger that I had come back to the surface when I heard Romeao and him speaking. Taking a deep breath, I got out of bed and pulled some sweatpants on before leaving the bedroom. Entering the kitchen, my coffee maker sat alongside his and Romeao was the first to say hello to me.

Marco greeted me. I nodded and sat down at the table. I wanted to bring up a few different things with him, but right now it probably wasn't smart with Romeao here.

"How was work?" Marco asked.

"It was work. Should I follow up and ask you how your day at work was, or would you like me to ignore that you're still injured?" I said flatly, some of my anger seeping out in my tone.

"We can discuss that later, Ambrose." Marco said politely, and I knew he rather not bring it up in front of Romeao.

"Then can you tell me why my things are in the bedroom and how they got here?"

"Right. I meant to send you a message to let you know, but I got sidetracked. There's increased police presence and canvassing because of the murders, and I wanted to keep you away from that. I would rather you and your things stay here with me," Marco said, and I frowned at him, even though I was actually thrilled to be here with him.

"Alright, that's understandable, thank you." I said, letting it go on this matter since it wasn't something that actually bothered me. "Oh right, before I forget. I have next week and a half off work. I had no choice but to use my paid vacation time, so I figured I could use the time to relax."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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