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"Do you think they care..?" Lily Paw asked whilst looking down at the wet moonlit ground.
"Why wouldn't they. You're going to be the next medicine cat!" Mushroom Paw exclaimed as the stars stared down at them.
"But.. I don't want to be a medicine cat.. I want to be able to feel love and maybe even have kits." Lily Paw mewed quietly.
The moon was bright it was blinding but beautiful to look at.
Suddenly Mushroom Paw spotted some commotion in the clearing not far from where they were.
"What's going on?" Said Lily Paw.
That's when Mushroom Paw realised the cats were charging right at them...

"Run!" Mushroom Paw shouted as she leaped down from the rock Lily Paw following close behind her. Her paws slipped on the wet and boggy ground causing her to stop sharply and fall onto the ground.
"Quickly!" Lily Paw said while helping Mushroom Paw to her paws. The two ran and ran too terrified to look behind them. They both stopped at a small but deep stream.
"Have we lost them?..." Mushroom Paw asked trying to catch her breath.
"I think.." Lily Paw replied.
They both jumped the stream in a swift and smooth manner as the band of cats creeped silently behind them like a fox sneaking up on its prey.

Eventually the two apprentices made it back to camp. The unknown cats were waiting impatiently behind a bramble bush not expecting a whole clan of cats.
The camp was silent. Not even a mouse could be heard but suddenly a mighty yowl erupted from the bramble bush....

~⭐️SHARED EYES⭐️~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن