chapter 17

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Tyler: Can I stay here it's late

Elena: sure

Caroline: why is the basement off-limits

Elena: that's where we keep the blood bags

Stefan: that is why the basement is off-limits

Caroline: ok

At the hospital

Zach came rushing into the doors

Zach walked up to the desk

Lady at the desk: room 303 sir

Zach: Thanks

Zach took the elevator up to the third floor found the room and knocked on the door.

Damon: Thank goodness you made it

Zach: how long has she been like this

Damon: a week we try magic, medications, and blood.

Zach: grates that leaves the last option

Damon: yeah tomorrow after Stefan and Elena deal with Jenna we gonna take her back and I'm gonna do it

Zach: if do it then

Damon: I know I won't care I would rather be healthy than like this

Zach: does Elena know?

Damon: probably

Zach: how did tell Stefan the news

Damon: I ran and wrote on paper and told him after he told me Elena killed our ex.

Zach: hold up Elena did what?

Damon: she killed Katherine

Zach: That means Katherine was here?

Damon: yeah

Zach: how do we know it's Elena then?

Damon: Stefan would have felt her being hurt. He didn't so it's her.

Zach: woah I missed a lot then

Damon: yeah did find anything else about the whole soul mate thing

Zach: yeah the witch wanted to see her so I had to back to see her then we took a trip to Europe. She needs help with something there

Damon: well what do if if she forgets her family

Zach: Let Elena show her memories to see what happened

Damon: but showing that long memories will affect both of them

Zach: I'm sure Stefan told Elena by now the news. Well, I found something I can say now. When one or the other tries to hide their feelings the other one can tell something is off.

Damon: well Ally kissed me

Zach: wow

Damon: yeah she is still that I'm gonna be like her ex

Zach: but you are not like him

Damon: I know I told her I'm gonna show her I'm not like him

Zach: ok anything else I missed

Damon: Elena told her friends finally that she is better now.

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