chapter 19

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Stefan knocked on the door

Elena: go away

Stefan: come on Elena don't be like that

Elena: Stefan I need some time alone

Tyler: Elena not the best time for that we know how you get

Elena: go away

Stefan: Elena don't be like that come on let me in

Elena: I need to be alone

Tyler: remember the last time that happened?

Elena: I'm aware but this time it's different


Jeremy: Jenna this time we are telling you the truth behind some of what we told you. This is the real reason why we all three wanted to move away. Elena tried her best to make sure you were not home when Mom and Dad talked to Zach about the plan to let her move in with him. Ally told Mom and Dad flat out if that Elena moved then she would move in with James. They talk to James Partens about it. I never got the chance to say anything to them about me moving in with the Lockwoods.

Jenna: Im the problem?

Jeremy: in the nicest way

Ally: yeah you are the problem Jenna Elena almost died more than one time because of your actions. We both would run to the boarding house to get away from you. Zach's mom and Dad knew why. Mom and Dad knew if we were not home were at. We would come home by nine at night so you would ask Mom and Dad where we were. Jeremy would join us at times. Some nights he was at the Lockwood's.

Jenna still said nothing


Stefan: let me in the room, please

Elena sat there in her room frozen

Tyler: dang it

Stefan: what's wrong?

Tyler: she is too upset and she froze

Stefan: what do we do now?

Tyler: let me get the key

Tyler left

Ally left to get the key for Tyler

Jeremy: oh no

Ally: she is alive this time.

Damon: but how long?

Ally: not sure this time

Jeremy: dang it

Tyler made it downstairs

Jeremy: Ally went to get the key

Tyler: ok but how long do we have this time?

Damon: umm three or four days maybe

Tyler: crap

Jeremy: we got to help her now

Damon: she might

Ally: don't you dare say it, Damon

Ally came back with the key and gave the key to Tyler 

Tyler ran upstairs

Jenna: what is going on?

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