⊱--(S1) [The Sun In the Parting Clouds]

660 48 16

[Y/N] - Your Name
[M/N] - Middle Name
[L/N] - Last Name


- lilredbeany.

<<<<<< I >[---]< I >>>>>>


Y/N's lips died down instantly. His eyes returned to being cold as he crossed his bloodied arms and leaned against the jeep behind him. Helping the girl remain still, Taylor's eyes wandered down to the keys in her hand, gently pitching them between her gloved hands. She muttered something inaudible while Aiden kept on literally poking fun at Y/N, and Tyler finally stopped puking from all the adrenaline he felt.

Taylor: ["... We did it..."]

In the back, Y/N just waved Aiden away while he put another cigarette in his lips, strangely unbothered by the fact that his torso, back, and face were bleeding while lighting himself another smoke. Wiping his face clean, Tyler approached the group, and just like Ben, Ashlyn, and Logan, watched as Taylor's face slowly brightened from a somber tone while her lips parted more, and her eyes appeared to even shine.

 Wiping his face clean, Tyler approached the group, and just like Ben, Ashlyn, and Logan, watched as Taylor's face slowly brightened from a somber tone while her lips parted more, and her eyes appeared to even shine

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Tyler: ["Yeah... We're pretty great, huh?"]

Aiden: ["Great?? We were awesome out there!"]

Y/N: ["Let go of my arm you cunt"]

Tyler: ["What do you mean "we"?"] He turned to face Aiden — Who did not let go off of Y/N's arm — with a raised eyebrow ["You sprained your ankle and were useless from the get-go"]

Aiden: ["I was not! Did you see me dual-wielding those flashlights?!"] He crossed his arms, finally letting go off of Y/N, who still remained unmoving, and quiet ["Without me and Ash, you guys wouldn't have stood a chance against those damn ceiling Phantoms!"] He stopped when Y/N hit him with his elbow, nodding towards a very awkward Logan who was glancing down ["And Logan was pretty cool, too! That Phantom on top of the jeep had a hole right in the middle of the head!"] He suddenly sprung towards Logan, holding his shoulder and two fingers against the side of his own head ["Perfect shot!"]

Tyler: ["He also took out the Phantom that cornered me and Ben"] He nodded, still keeping up the "tough guy" face ["I don't think we would all be here without him"]

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓│ [M!Reader x School Bus Graveyard]Where stories live. Discover now