Gay awakeness

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This one is kinda long
They're teenagers in high school this is like a completely different universe and johnnie is gay

Ever since they started high school Jake and johnnie hated each other
But lately they've become friends it was like a miracle to their mutual friends johnnie would say it started in the very end of last year when he tried flirting with jake as a joke every time jake was mean to him and that got jake really flustered every single time johnnie somehow never noticed jakes bright pink face or at least that's what jake thought

Johnnie scuff and tara are walking together to school  talking laughing and just fucking around
They went to a store near their school
Johnnie got an energy drink and a pack of gum he didn't really notice what the other two got tho
They payed and got out of the store heading to their school it was pretty early so they weren't really in a rush

A few minutes later johnnie and tara are taking in the hallway
"Oh by the way is it just me or jake has been acting like really different lately? "
"Yeah he kinda is he has been really nice to me lately " johnnie laughed
"No I don't mean that johnnie he just gets really nervous around you I've never seen him like this " tara explained
"Around me? Why would he be nervous around me? "
"Wellll maybe he likes you back? "
"There's no way tara he's straight "
"Come onnn think about it he's literally always looking at your lips dude he definitely likes you and you could be his gay awakening?"
"True but I'm still not ganna risk it "

Jake and johnnie are in math class passing notes to each other
Johnnie gave jake a note'this is so fucking boringgg'
'Ikr + her voice is so annoying I feel like my ears are bleeding ' jake passed the note back
Johnnie chuckles writing something back 'she'll kill you if she reads this' johnnie passed the note back jake laughed covering his mouth the he wrote ' btw do you wanna come to my house after school ? '
Jake passed the note 'yeah of course just give me your address and I'll be there :) ' johnnie passed the note back jake smiled reading it and looked away trying to hide the fact that he's blushing for no fucking reason 'ok it's *********' he gave the note to johnnie
The bill ringed both of the boys started getting their stuff then heading out of the class
"So I'll see you today at 4 is that good ?"
"Yeah I'll be there, it's not very far from my house to be quite honest"
"Well that's great didn't really expect you to be ok with it honestly "
"Why wouldn't I be " johnnie reached his locker
"Well I was a dick to you for a long time " jake leans on the locker beside johnnies
"Well are you planning to be a dick again?"
"No no absolutely not "
" then what's the problem , you're a nice guy and the first years of high school are so fucking awkward dude "
"Yeah but it's really no excuse for me to act that way I'm sorry "
"It's ok jake I was a dick to you too and you've never physically hurt me so it's completely fine forget about it " johnnie smiled

" Wait don't you have art right now? " johnnie pointed out remembering that art class is on the other side of the school
"oh shit ! well see you later johnnie"jake yelled looking back at johnnie while running towards his class

Johnnie laughed then looked back at where he was going only to see his best friend tara
"Oh my god tara you scared me "
"Yeah yeah whatever johnnie he most definitely likes you "
"You were spying on us??"
"I wasn't spying on you guys I just didn't accidentally hear you "  she laughed johnnie tried to stay serious but he couldn't help but crack a smile then covering it with his hand
"Ok sure you do your thing, tho I do agree with you this time I think he might like me back , but I'm not ganna get my hopes up "
"I mean how could he not like you you know white girlies would be all over you if you weren't gay "
She giggled
Johnnie laughed
They walked together towards their next class talking


Johnnie and tara were sitting at thair usual spot when tara spottedjake and slightly pointed at him
"Look, it's jake "
"Mhm and?"
"Invite him to sit with us he's like literally never alone it's your chance to talk to him more "
"True " Johnnie shrugged
Jake turned his head and waved at them
Johnnie motioned for him to come
Jake walked to them
"Hey"he smiled looking down at Johnnie
"Hey wanna sit with us?" Johnnie smiled back
"Yeah I'd love to "
Jake sat beside johnnie
They talked and laughed together for a while
Tara made some random jokes about then looking like a couple which made both of them really red

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