Miscellaneous 2

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Back from the dead.

Not a cashreg story, but might get a chuckle out of you.

Dunno if I ever mentioned it or not, and too lazy to read previous entries, but I have an older sister that, more often than not, drives me up a tree.

She was weirdly all smiles as she walked up to me, and with a "I'm very proud of myself" expression, told me:
"I bought a belt."

I stared at her blankly for a moment and sighed.

See, knowing my sis, the only reason she'd mention a random belt like this is if it was a purchase our dad would be annoyed by.

Only reason I can think of that would annoy our dad about the belt is the price.
Now, I don't do clothes shopping for myself and usually my clothes are hand me downs from acquaintances or when some online shop has a big sale, so I don't know my prices.

I have a 5€ belt, which has lasted me roughly half a year, so thinking that was the normal price I asked sis tiredly:

"How much? 50€?"

My sis giggle in response, making a chill go down my spine.
Oh no...

My sis: "Multiply by 12"

My brain glitched and rebooted
"You dished out 600€ for a BELT? A BELT?!"

Sis: I kNoW~  but I felt like I haven't spent in a while 🤭

Me: But 600 for a BELT?
Me: that's 3x my phone! That's half of our rent!

Me: Let me get this straight...
Are you seriously telling me that you, who is always on my effin case for opening a small soda can instead going straight for the 2L bottle cuz it's a couple cents cheaper, paid 600 flippin euros for a piece of leather nobody is ever going to see?!

Sis: but they will see it!


Sis does some hand motions as if mentally measuring the thing

Sis: more like 4... ish?

Me: 😡💢💢🔪🔪

Skip forwards 2 days, and my sis proudly presented her belt

The belt is all black with no distinguishing features and like 1.5cm wide....
600€ ... for that...

I told my friend this story, and he was flabbergasted.

My friend: I would understand if it was a nice pair of shoes or some pretty handbag but a belt?
It might catch the attention of one lady on the street, and that's a Big stretch.

Me: Impress a lady it did, I just wish it hadn't been this one lady in particular.

Never thought I'd see someone choke on their spit irl, but there I was trying to get my pal to breathe.

Until next time

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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