Important before hand!!!!

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Hello readers!!!!! This is Brooke! (B.Joy) The author of "Reality Twists".
First want to say that I am so happy you decided to click on this story, and I hope you'll enjoy continuing forward into the mind and wonders of Nova Altair's life ...or lives ;)

I started this story around 2022 and had finished it. But there have been SO MUCH variations of the same thing, no lie going all the way back to 2020. However this version of the story I have already written is updated and more crisp than the original, yet keeping it with the same general gist.
So yes, the original is already done...however the one you're going to read which is this one is being updated currently by me.

I'm going to publish each chapter as regularly as I can!

So without further ado, please enjoy Reality Twists.

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