~Chapter 26~

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The three of you stand in front of Valhalla's headquarters, which happens to be in an arcade

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The three of you stand in front of Valhalla's headquarters, which happens to be in an arcade.

"Cute." You say as you roll your eyes.

"It went out of business years ago." Kazutora answers.

"And trespassing, I like it." You sigh as you follow him inside, the crybaby behind you.

"Ew its like a fucking sauna in here. Ugh, I can't wait to get out of here." You say, drawing the attention of some of the guys around, but you don't pay much attention to them.

As the three of you walked toward the gaggle of delinquents, the sound of punches landing got louder. You could only hope Takemichi would remember what you said earlier.

In the middle of a ring of people you saw exactly what you expected. Baji landing hit after hit on Chifuyu. You could tell the bleeding was bad and he had a broken nose, but he wouldn't die. As you looked over at Takemichi you could tell every word you said to him didn't stick.

"Here we go." You mutter under your breath.

"Woah kazutora, what the hell's going on here? What is this?" Takemichi asks stupidly.

"What's it look like? A test of faith." Kazutora responds.

"What for?" Takemichi continues.

"To prove Baji's commitment to Valhalla. Going from Toman to us is like changing religions. You have to prove to us that you really mean it." He answers calmly like it isn't the dumbest question he's ever heard. "The guy Baji's beating on right now is Toman's first division vice captain. He was Baji's most trusted lieutenant." Kazutora continues to explain as you assess the further damage done to Chifuyu.

"The first division vice captain?" Takemichi shouts, gaining the attention of the onlookers around you.

"Toman's Valhalla's enemy." Was Kazutora's only response. "If he's going to betray his former god Mikey, he's gotta stomp out his old beliefs." Kazutora explains as someone approaches the fight.

"Well then, was that good enough for ya? What do you say? Am I in Valhalla now? Hanma?" Baji asks the front of the room.

"Great, just great. Exactly who I didn't want to see." You mutter under your breath, Takemichi hearing you.

"Kazutora!" Hanma shouts, completely ignoring Baji.

"Hey boss!" Kazutora replies.

"You all set now?" Hanma asks, almost forebodingly.

"Yeah. I present Takemichi Hanagaki. He's the newest member of Toman" Kazutora responds with a smile.

"I feel like you're forgetting someone, Kazutora. That doesn't seem fair of you." You say, loud enough for Hanma to hear you, hoping to save Takemichi's ass.

"Y/N why would you need an introduction?" You hear Hanma laugh from the front of the room as Kazutora looks at you with slight fear in his eyes.

"Funny coming from the guy who didn't know who I was the first time we met. I seem to recall you saying how sad it was of Toman to 'stoop to the level of having a girl fight for them'?" You shoot back at him, earning a wave of gasps from the room.

"True, but I never knew a woman could fight so well." Hanma responds.

"My point stands." You respond coldly. As Hanma walks towards you and Takemichi. He laughs, but then turns his attention to Takemichi.

"So you're Hanagaki? Step forward." He says, almost changing personality completely. Takemichi was shaking in fear as someone pushed him forward face to face with Baji.

"You again? Ya come here to get killed?" Baji questions. After this an eruption of 'kill him' chants come from the crowd. You waited for Baji to act before stepping in. Then something unexpected happened. Hanma raised his hand and stopped the chant.

"One of Toman's founding members and its first division captain, Keisuke Baji! He now says he wants to leave Toman behind and join Valhalla." Hanma announces. Causing a whisper to fall upon the crowd. "For those of you wondering, the fact is this is one hell of a deal. Havin' Baji here will be a huge help in our plan to finally crush Toman. But for right now, there's still one thing that we need to be absolutely sure of. Because for all we know, he might just be a Toman spy. Which is why we took the extra precaution of having Kazutora bring us a witness. This court will now summon the witness to testify." Hanma shouts at the crowd, which almost makes you die of laughter, but you somehow managed not to. "Takemichi Hanagaki..." Hanma starts.

"U-uh yes sir?" Takemichi responds

"Will you tell this court exactly what words you heard Baji here say at the last Toman meeting." Hanma demands coldly

"Well- uh- he said that he quit, and that from that day on, Toman was his enemy." Takemichi stutters out.

"And Kazutora, what do you think?" Hanma asks.

"We did a test of faith and we heard a witness so I think that's good enough. Baji could be very useful to us. He knows what's new with Toman since I've been gone. He's definitely worth having in Valhalla." Kazutora responds.

'Why the hell did he have to say that? Now that little bitch is going to have so many more questions.' You think to yourself.

"So are you sure Baji? Because we're going to crush Toman and in the process of course, Mikey's going to die." Kazutora says sternly, making you nearly die of laughter, but what really sent you over the edge was Baji's response.

"Yeah... I'll help you do that, Kazutora." Was Baji's response.

Just as Takemichi was about to open his big mouth, you broke down in laughter. 

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