Chapter 34 - Day 1 - Afternoon

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Rukmini sat by the window that opened into a garden and tenderly opened the letter Krishna had written to her. Only one complaint about it. His handwriting was much better than hers, she giggled to herself.

'Dearest Shree!
I couldn't reply to your letter. I wanted to, but neither of us had time to waste. So I thought your idea of conversing through letters for this one week is a brilliant one. That way, I would also be able to express my mind to you. (She could see him smile as she read these. Involuntarily, she smiled too and continued)

You wouldn't believe this, but as soon as I left for Mathura from Vrindavan, all I had in my mind was you. (Her face fell, as she was hoping he would tell her about Radha)

I know what you are thinking about. Why lie that I was thinking about you when I would have been thinking about Radha, like I told you the day we had that conversation by the little stream in Mathura? ('I would never think of you that way, Shyam. Why would I think you would lie? In fact, I want to know about Radha'). 

But I'll save the introduction and conversation about Radha for some other day. ('Well, if you wish so!')

Let's talk about us. How do you feel after coming here? How do you feel being kidnapped, just as you wanted? How do you feel about my family? My cousins? And me as a husband now over your friend? Must be a complicated thing right? I know you would be overwhelmed. So I thought of writing this to you to let you know that you can share your innermost thoughts and feelings with me, whenever you want, however you want. Feel free to complain, feel free to express disappointment, trouble, pain, joy, fun. Anything! I'm all yours now. ('I cannot wait to share!')

Write to me. Just the way you wrote that letter. You know what? I cannot tell you how happy I was to listen to Brahmana Deva recite it to me! I didn't know you thought this highly of me. I knew you liked me, but so much of respect? I still cannot digest that. So much respect? You called me the most handsome in the three worlds. You are a million times more than me. And you said you fell in love with me just by listening to stories about me. How did that feel? You didn't know me personally. You had not seen me until we met at Mathura! How did you give your heart to me? ('You of all people ask me this, Shyam?')

You said there is none equal to me in lineage, beauty, knowledge, virtue and whatnot. What about yourself? I have not known anyone who is so knowledgeable, beautiful and virtuous than you. And yet, so much humility? ('You are just flattering me, Raaya!')

You called me a lion among men. How did you decide to call me that? What made you feel I'll protect you the way that Narasimha protected Prahlada? But you called yourself my property, the Lion's property! How is that fair? You are not my property. You are the life force behind my existence. My Mula Shakti! Without you, I'd not exist! ('You are that Narasimha yourself, Gopal! When you protect little Prahlada, why will you not protect me?')

And what confidence!?! I couldn't believe it when you told me to kidnap you. I stole butter and clothes as a child. But dare to kidnap a woman? Haha, I needed so much confidence. You gave that to me, my dearest!

Now that I've kidnapped you, how was that thrill? Tell me everything! I want to hear from you.

I will wait for your reply, just like you waited for me to come and kidnap you.

Awaiting our beautiful journey together.

Your dearest friend and your would-be-husband,


That's it. Rukmini almost fell into a swoon. She wanted to write back to him that instant, but she decided to write after taking some time out to rest. She was tired. Smiling to herself, she gently folded the letter and looked around. She saw a box near the couch. She opened the box to find enough space to fill a hundred letters. She daintily placed the letter in the box and shut it. In her mind, she had already begun planning how she would keep Krishna in her mind, her room and her life. With a smile, she sat on the couch, and without her knowing, her eyes shut tight, falling asleep. Seeing her sleep so peacefully, Rohini who had entered the room, gently caressed her head and covered her with a thin sheet, allowing her to rest.

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