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The sound of thumping footsteps rang out as stairs creaked under the sudden weight. Kel's head shot up, knowing his mom and dad couldn't possibly be home with Sally already.

"Hero? You back?" He called out, remaining laying on his bed but quickly jumping in surprise as the bedroom door was flung open.

Wordlessly, Hero stepped into the room as Kel glanced him up and down,

"Did you find her?"

"..shut up" his voice was barely above a whisper, causing Kel to not hear him fully.

"Huh? Hero you know I can't hear you when you-"

"I SAID SHUT UP", he was shocked by the sudden yell, eyes going wide as his brother glared at him with nothing but hatred in his face.

"You knew…" once again, Hero's gaze fell to the floor as his body began to shake.

"Knew what? Whatre you talking about?" Kel sounded genuinely confused, but lost in his own thoughts Hero could do nothing but think he was deflecting,

"For years you knew what actually happened that day."

"What? What day?," once again he sounded genuinely confused but quickly shut up with one look from his brother,

"You knew Sunny killed her. You lied to me for years." Hero's voice shook, his words laced with venom and his breaths getting heavier.

"Sunny? You really think Sunny killed her? Hero, you and I both know Sunny couldn't hurt a fly!" Kel sounded exasperated, "what, did Aubrey tell you that? I swear she's always lying just to make Sunny seem like some evil guy when all that happened is that he found his sisters body!"

"Oh please!" his voice went high pitched and loud, "You're crazy! You're so delusional it's comical. She saw everything Kel. Your precious boyfriend is a cold. blooded. murderer."

"No, he's not!" once again, his brother glared at him with murderous intent in his eyes, "and if anything, Aubrey's more at faul-"

"STOP IT! STOP BLAMING HER! SHES DONE NOTHING WRONG KEL! ARE YOU A FUCKING IDIOT?!" Kel was extremely startled by this before a dark look appeared on his face as well,

"She's going to kill you, Hero. Just like she killed Mari." And with that, any restraint Hero held was gone. His fist swiftly made contact with Kel's face before a barrage of punches was released onto him. Desperate as he was, Kel couldn't push his brother off.

"SHES OUR FRIEND! SHE SAW WHAT YOUR ASSHOLE BOYFRIEND DID! AND YOU DARE TO BLAME HER?! YOU MADE HER WHO SHE IS NOW KEL! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. HE KILLED HER! WHY WOULD SHE WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND AFTER ALL YOU DID TO HER KEL?! YOU ARE SO BLIND THAT YOU STILL FUCKING BELIEVE HIS LIES!! FUCK! YOU! KEL!", each word only drove his hatred home more as they heard running up the stairs, or at least Kel did. Hero was too lost in his rage to even register his parents pulling him off of Kel's battered body, his knuckles covered in his brothers blood and breathing heavy. He couldn't hear what his parents said as they ran to comfort Kel, only static rang in his ears.

"Hero! How could you do this! Apologize to your brother!", his mother looked at him with pleading eyes, but not even that broke the boy from his enraged trance,

"IT. IS. NOTHING. BUT. THE. TRUTH." his brother's tone was dark and cold as he spoke, words laced with venom. His eyes held no love for his sibling, only a deep hatred.

If looks could kill, Mari wouldn't be the only one 6 feet under.


"Don't you DARE call him my brother!"

"HERO!" his father's voice echoed in the room as they began dragging him downstairs. He resisted and tried to shove them off, but neither budged. Finally, after a while of refusing to let up on holding him down to the couch, he spoke in a calmer but still angered voice,

"You didn't see the signs, did you? You never thought to question the story Kel told you for years, or to wonder why he and Aubrey stopped spending time together so suddenly after Mari's death?" The two parents looked at each other, worried. They knew Hero was right. Why didn't they question the sudden hatred of Aubrey? Why didn't they question how such a sweet girl like her could push someone to end their own life?

With a huff, Hero stood up and looked his parents dead in the eyes,

"I'm done with you protecting Kel after he never even told me Aubrey's side of things. I'm done with you favoring Kel since I left for college just because he has a boyfriend and my girlfriend is fucking dead. Most of all, I'm done with Kel. Don't refer to me as your son anymore, as far as the world knows you only have one son." His voice was eerily calm, his parents too shocked to stop him as he walked out the front door and slammed it behind him. The only sound that remained was his car engine starting up before driving off.

His mom broke down in tears at the realization.

He wasn't going to be coming back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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