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Hi everyone! I am currently working on this new story called, "Better left Unsaid" and I know I have not been responsive in here and on tiktok butt I might go active again since its summer break and I won't be going back to school until august so many spare times to read and write!

I just want to remind you all that I am not a professional novel writer. I am just some random girl you loves writing and would like to make an impact on teenagers like me. However, I want to remind you all of what you might expect on this story! ;

- Sensitive words 

- Inappropriate scenes

- Unexpected events 

Make sure you are comfortable enough to read this story and if not, totally fine! and if you want to read this story while it is ongoing that is also totally fine but, I do recommend waiting for a few chapters to be done so ya'll wouldnt have to be left on a cliff hanger. 

reminder : It might take me a while for to finish the first chapter buttt, Ill look forward into doing it.

Thats all now, enjoy the story!! <3 

Better Left UnsaidWhere stories live. Discover now