Through thick and thin

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A/N: Another update!!! I can't apologize enough for not posting consistently. I'll try to do better but unfortunately life gets in the way. I hope you enjoy this small update. Please continue to read, vote, and suggest what you want to read. Please follow me here and on tumblr, I use the same username. Enjoy!

When you're truly in love with a person, it feels like time stands still. You feel like you're on cloud nine and no one can tell you otherwise. You will go out of your way to protect the one you love and to fight for that love. Relationships aren't easy, they're complicated. They go through different phases and experiences some good and some bad, hoping that in the long run things will end up being okay.

Your relationship with your boyfriend Harry has been a rollercoaster for the past couple of years. Thankfully, most of your moments are good. When things do end up getting bad though, it was a habit to get it resolved that same day or the following day. Unfortunately, right now, you and Harry were having a fight and weren't speaking to each other.

It all started when he decided to take you to an after party for the Grammy's. You were definitely star struck by the many celebrities that were attending. at this point in your relationship, you understood the role Harry played in these events. He was loved and liked by many, and you were fortunate to call him yours and know him in ways that no one else did.

One thing you had to get accustomed to was how friendly Harry was .it wasn't a bad thing, you never thought it was, but it was difficult at times when Harry didn't realize when someone was being excessively friendly or flirty. That's exactly what had happened that night. There were drinks involved, too many for your liking. There was a specific celebrity who was all over Harry. Many knew about your relationship with Harry, it wasn't a big surprise. But the nerve of this person was getting to you.

That night you felt disrespected and neglected throughout the entirety of the event. You smiled when you had to and took photographs when needed. You stayed in the background and watched the love of your life shine. You couldn't help but feel rage when she would put her arms around him or whisper in his ear. You just wanted to grab her ponytail and yank her across the room. But you held back, not wanting to create A scene.

Your face expressed everything to Harry though. The many times he would scan his surroundings in search for you told him he had fucked up. But for the time being, he had a lot of alcohol in his system to fully grasp anything. He would just catch your eye and give you a small smile, smiling back to not raise any suspicion. By the time you got home, you helped Harry out of his suit and tucked him in. Inside you were very upset. You couldn't sleep at all that night, deciding to stay in the living room and watch your favorite comfort show the rest of the night.

The following morning you started cleaning the apartment, which was occasionally something you did when you were upset. it was definitely a give away to Harry. He woke up that morning with a minor headache. He was very thankful to find 2 painkillers with a glass of water on the nightstand. He took them and got up to start his day. He thought about the night he had, hanging out with his peers and having a blast. What had made it special was having you by his side. Once he was done showering, he went downstairs and saw you excessively cleaning. We're talking micro cleaning, where you would clean everything from the cabinets or reorganize everything. "Hey, good morning love", you hear him say as you cleaned the sink. "Morning", your back was facing him. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at your tone of voice and actions.

"Is everything alright?", he stepped closer to you your body stiffening a bit. You simply shrug your shoulder at his question not caring how bratty you were being. "Y/n, honey talk to me", he stepped closer, his hands placed on your shoulders. You flinched away from him, walking away from him and into the living room leaving him appalled. "Y/n", he followed you, not leaving the matter. You didn't respond. You hear him sigh in frustration behind you, your behavior ticking him off. "So, are you just giving me the silent treatment all day?", his voice going up in volume compared to his gentler one used a few minutes ago.

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