Part 2 The hotels hottie

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Above is Benji and ps (I wouldn't hate to be in that man sandwich) lol (:
Part 2
Claire closed the door and murmured to herself. "Yum". She closed her eyes and took a long breath in, held it an exhaled. "Mommy happy now." She walked to the lounge smirking

Two days later
"Claire, I told you not to spend any money! You don't need to, you can just stay in The hotel room, it cost three times the amount of that ridiculously unnecessary dress your wearing!"
"Kevin, stop yelling at me, I like to shop there's nothing wrong with that, and your never here any way!"
"No Claire you don't get to pull that card again, it has nothing to do with this! Every thing always goes your way because 'I'm never here'! We'll no! Not this time! I won't allow it. In fact, I forbid you from spending a penny more for the next two weeks until our honeymoon ends!"
" you forbid it, do you? Wow. When I think you couldn't stoop any lower."
There was a loud knock at the door.
Claire jumped at the opportunity to get out of that fight.
When she opened the door she was shocked, but smiled anyway. "Benji!" She whispered "let's talk in the hall, my husbands inside"
"I didn't know you where married"
"It's an unhappy marriage. We stopped loving each other about three months ago."
"When was the ceremony?"
"Six days ago. Benji, can I go to your hotel room, Kevin and I just had a fight."
"Kevin is...?."
"Oh, Kevin is my husband."
"Oh, ok. Sorry. Sure, you can come over, I'm in room 6c."
"Thanks." Claire had an evil smirk spread across her face as she followed him into his hotel room.

Hope u like
Kevin seems like a prick right now doesn't he? Until you find out that Claire is a HUGE slut and has cheated on him with his BROTHER. Like OMG!!!!!! (:
Ps huge cliff hanger but I promise I will have the next part to you in two, three hours tops.
Thanks for reading!!!! (:

Banji and ClaireDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora