Part 3 Again

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Benji stepped to the kitchen "take a seat anywhere" Claire accepted the invitation and sat down on the couch. " would you like a tea or coffee?"
"Waters good, thanks"
Benji pured some water into a glass then sat down after handing the glass to Claire. She took one sip then put it down. "Can I use your bathroom?"
Benji replied "sure, down the hall to the left."
"Benji, is it ok if I take a shower?"
Benji immeadietly replied "yeah, that's fine, perfect, good, do you need help your turning it on?" Benji walked into the bathroom and Claire was in her bra and underwear. Benji froze.
"Actually I think it's ok to 'turn on'"
Benji looked puzzled. Claire glanced at his pants then into his eyes with a cheeky smirk.
Benji looked down and quickly walked out. His mind clouded with embarrassment. He heard water running and then Claire poked her head around the door and smiled. "The showers working". She opens the door wider and starts grazing her fingers around the doorknob. Up and down the door. Benji's eyes travel to her calves. Then her thighs then her stomach, then her chest. He imagines gently taking off her lace, black bra. And as he took of her underwear he would Then, very softly.. "benji?" His thoughts were interrupted by these words. "Are you ok?" He looked at himself 'why would she ask that?' Then he realised. He was sitting on the ground in his boxers.
Claire giggled, and helped him up. His foot slipped and they're fell forward, his body now pressed against her.

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