Part 6

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The storm was insane last night. All three of us stayed up late watching everything unfold and just trying to make the best of the situation. We played a few card games until the lights went and lit some candles to finish our games until we were ready to go to bed.

I went to my room, JB, to his room, and JJ on the couch. I think we all stayed up for a while until we actually got any sleep but we eventually did.


Once I wake up, everything outside sounds calm, sunlight peeking through my window. I go to see if the lights or water is running. So far, nothing. I walk back to my room and find me a change of clothes for the day. I decided on a navy bikini with white trimming, a white cropped tank top, and some blue Jean shorts. I fix my braid from yesterday and walk out to the kitchen to grab a water bottle out of the groceries I bought the day before. I glance over towards JJ to see if he is awake. He has one leg bent with his foot meeting the ground while the other leg is straight out on the couch. The sheet he used to cover up with last night was barely above his waist leaving his abs on complete view. He had one hand behind his head and the other just thrown off the side. His hair was a mess, sticking in every direction but like he told me, I could get used to waking up and getting this view everyday. Nobody can sit here and say JJ isn't attractive. I don't care who you are.

My thoughts get cut off when a feel a hand on my shoulder making me jump and glance back.

"Morning JB" I said

"Morning B, what's on your mind" he asked

"Ummm, Just thinking about that boat last night.. you think they made it out alright?" I asked him trying to hide the fact that I was just making googly eyes at his best friend before he walked in,

"We can only hope so," he said reaching over and giving my hand a squeeze "you got a swimsuit on yeah?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked

"No reason, just have a feeling we're gonna need em today," he explained and i nodded. "Would you go wake up JJ while I go check on everything outside?" He asked me making me groan and eventually nodding. He gave me a small smile walking outside with me close behind him walking over to JJ, giving his arm a shake.

"J!" I hollered, going to grab his hand and start waving it side to side, anything to try to get him up.

"Ughhhhmhmmm," he groaned out pulling his hand back and rolling over "fuck off Johnny" he muttered making me chuckle. Once that noise left my lips, he glanced back quickly realizing it wasn't John B.

"Good morning to you too sunshine" i said laughing watching as he gave me a tired smile and started stretching.

"Yep, can totally get used to this" he said making me roll my eyes

"Don't flatter yourself, JB told me to wake you up so you'd come help us outside.

"Yeah yeah" he said going to sit up, stretching again.

I got up and walked out noticing JB pulling sticks off HMS Pogue. I walk over to help him.

"Agatha did some work, huh?" JJ hollered from standing on the porch steps watching us.

"Yeah she did" John B muttered pulling out more limbs and leaves out of the boat before pulling himself up into the boat. I followed his actions, looking around to see if anything was broke or damaged from the limbs.

"What ya thinkin?" JJ asked making me glance at him but quickly realizing he was talking to JB.

"I'm thinking the surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze and all the drum are gonna chase the crab" he explained

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