Part 26

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~~~~~~~~ JJ's POV ~~~~~~~~

"This feels better than a blowjob" Pope says

"Like you know how that feels" I say

"This feels better than what I imagine a blowjob would feel like" Pope says making me chuckle

"Did you bring the peacemaker?" He asked me and my heart immediately drops

"Fuck.. no, hurry up" I say and as soon we he zips up and we start to go around the tree, here comes Rafe

"What's up Pogues" he said

"What's up Rafe?" I asked

"How you guys doing tonight?" he asked

"Oh I'm great, did you see who I've been cuddled up with, it's great" I say smirking at him

"Shut the fuck up Maybank" he says making me grin, "I just wanna talk" he says as Pope starts to run to the other side of the screen to go around but is met with Topper and Kelce

"Hey, where you going" Topper asked Pope

"Just chill out Topper" Pope says coming  suck to stand by me 

"That was some nice work you did on my boat" Topper said

"I don't know what your talking about" Pope said

"Oh yeah sure" Topper said sarcastically

"Not so burly without a gun now, are you?" Rafe asked me

"Take one more step and I'll rip that prepubescent face off" I tell him

"Poor how do you feel about stealing shit, is your parents proud? Your mom? Your dad? They proud of a thief?" Topper was saying just as Pope head butted him

"Attaboy! But use your fist, like this" I tell him as Kelce started to come up to me and grab me while Pope started punching Topper.

Before I know it, I'm pulled from Kelce but then pushed right back into him and met with Rafe's face.

"Block him! Hold him still, man" Rafe tells Kelce before punching me in my stomach making me groan

"How's my sloppy seconds Maybank?" Rafe asked me and I immediately felt my blood boiling trying to get to him

"That's where your wrong, you never had her" I said earning another punch

"That's just what you hope huh" Rafe says "you don't deserve her, just think about it, why would she want you. Your nothing" he tells me

"I'd never choke her, I'd never lay a hand on her" i say as he punches me again

"You choked Blake?" I hear Kelce ask

"Shut the fuck up Kelce" Rafe yells giving me another punch

~~~~~~~~ Blakely's POV ~~~~~~~~

"I'm going.." I say jumping up and grabbing JJ's bag and taking off in the direction I seen them go in, hearing Kie right behind me.

When we go around the screen, we see Topper and Pope fighting and then Kelce holding JJ for Rafe

"I'll get JJ" I say quickly grabbing the gun out of the bag and putting it in the back of my waistband of my shorts

"Blake, please don't" she said eyeballing the gun

"I'm tired of his shit" I say immediately walking over to where Rafe was.

"Let go of him Topper" I hear Kie yell which catches Rafe's attention just as I grab his arm from reaching JJ again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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