Part 36: The Trial

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After a long night of eating drinking and talking we finally bid goodbye to Grayson and Rivers family and return home.

"I didn't know you were actually neighbours" Billie says as we walk in

"Yeah we're practically family" I reply

"I hope it's not too much that I'm staying here" Billie says to my family "I can get a hotel if you'd prefer"

"Of course not darling, you're family now" my mum says making Billie smile

"Come on flo, me and Billie will put you to bed" I say

"Mkay" Flo says as she runs up the stairs, she seems way too excited to sleep but she's always been a well behaved kid, a total opposite to me.

I pull out her pyjamas and throw them to her which land on her head causing me to laugh.

"Not funny" she says with a pout "Billie help me". Flo grabs Billies hand and whispers something to her before leading her over to me with a mischievous grin. Immediately they both begin to tickle me sending me into a fit of laughter

"Ok I surrender" I say as Flo just sits laughing at me "I think it's bedtime for you miss"

Billie gets up and grabs her pjs and hands them to her "why don't you put these on"

After we put her bed, we sit with my parents and they tell Billie every embarrassing story you could ever think of.

"Y/N could you please grab some milk, Florence must have drank it this morning" my dad says coming back from the kitchen

"Yeah of course" I say as I grab billies hand and a set of keys and lead her into the garage.

"These are some nice cars" Billie says

"Well I had to give something back to my family" I say as I unlock the Porsche

We drive in comfortable silence to the shop. When we arrive, we quickly get out and go into the store.

"I'm gonna go grab the milk, can you grab some chocolate it's in a aisle down there" I say but she looks at me nervously

"No one will recognise you it's 10pm and my 60 year old neighbour owns this shop" I reassure her as she walks off

I slowly walk over to the milk checking my phone and replying to a few things. I accidentally bump into someone causing my phone to fall. I bend down while saying "sorry it's my fault" but when I look up I see Dylan

"Y/N?" She says

"Dylan it's been forever how are you" I reply

"I'm good thanks, how are you! You're famous now" she says cheerfully

"I guess so, life's really good. It's good to be back home" I say

"I bet it is, listen if you're free at any point I'd love to catch up" she says going in for a hug which I accept hesitantly. I then hear a click and see a flash. The paparazzi great how the fuck did they find us. I guess I really have got more famous since I left.

I quickly let go of Dylan "I'm not free sorry, my girlfriend is around here somewhere" I say

I quickly walk around trying to find Billie so we can leave as soon as I turn down the aisle I see her looking at the chocolates.

"They don't have anything I can eat" she says still looking at the shelf

"We have to go" I say and she looks confused so I lead her to the end and point out the guy holding a camera. She immediately steps back and looks at me pleadingly "It's ok let me pay for the milk I'll ask if we can go out the back" she nods

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWhere stories live. Discover now